WoW: Der neue Build 19973 zu Patch 6.2

In der vergangenen Nacht haben die Entwickler von Blizzard den neuen Build 19973 auf die öffentlichen Testserver von Patch 6.2 aufgespielt und einige neue Inhalte zu diesem Update hinzugefügt. Zu den Neuerungen aus diesem Build gehören unter anderem einige Anpassungen an den bisherigen Set Boni vom T-18 Set und eine Vielzahl von Anpassungen an den mit diesem Patch kommenden Missionen in der Garnison.
- Der Erfolg „Chapter IV: Darkness Incarnate“ besitzt nun einen anderen Wortlaut und deutet nicht mehr darauf hin, dass Khadgar sterben wird.
- Viele Missionen für die Schiffswerft wurden aktualisiert.
- Es gibt neue Erfolge für die PvP Saisons 2 und 3.
- Spieler mit einem respektvollen Ruf bei den Arakkoa werden das Lager für Ressourcen in ihrer Garnison von 500 auf 1000 erhöhen können: Trade Agreement: Arakkoa Outcasts
- Es gibt einige neue Händler für die mit Patch 6.2 kommenden Items.
- Es gibt neue Missionen für die Garnison, die besonders schwer sein sollen und Spieler dafür mit speziellen Gegenständen wie beispielsweise einem Gronnling als Reittier oder einem Trank für 1000 Rufpunkte belohnen.
- Ein weiterer Händler für Apexiskristalle wurde hinzugefügt.
Neue Reittiere:
Der letzte Nacht veröffentlichte Build hat insgesamt vier neue Gronnlinge als Reittiere mit sich gebracht, die Spieler nach dem Release von Patch 6.2 erhalten können werden. Während Wild Gladiator’s Felblood Gronnling,
Warmongering Gladiator’s Felblood Gronnling, und
Primal Gladiator’s Felblood als Belohnung für das gewertete PvP bestimmt sind, so werden Spieler den
Coalfist Gronnling scheinbar als Geschenk nach einer Mission in der Garnison erhalten.
T-18 Set Boni:
Raid Finder
- Item – LFR T17 Leather Melee DPS 2P Bonus Agility increased by
100.50. - Item – LFR T18 Cloth DPS 2P Bonus Intellect increased by
100.115. - Item – LFR T18 Cloth Healer 2P Bonus Spirit increased by
125.145. - Item – LFR T18 Leather Caster DPS 2P Bonus Intellect increased by
100.115. - Item – LFR T18 Leather Healer 2P Bonus Spirit increased by
125.145. - Item – LFR T18 Leather Healer 4P Bonus Your healing spells have a 10% chance to
drop aplace a Soul Barrier on the target, absorbing50,000 Damage.20,000 Damage. - Item – LFR T18 Leather Melee DPS 2P Bonus Agility increased by
100.115. - Item – LFR T18 Leather Melee DPS 4P Bonus Your Energy regeneration rate is increased by
10%5%, and your total Energy is increased by 20. - Item – LFR T18 Leather Tank 2P Bonus Bonus Armor increased by
125.145. - Item – LFR T18 Leather Tank 4P Bonus
You have a chance when being hit toWhen hit by a damaging attack, you gain Fel Mending, healing you for6 over 6 sec.6,000 over 6 sec. - Item – LFR T18 Mail Agility 2P Bonus Agility increased by
100.115. - Item – LFR T18 Mail Caster 2P Bonus Intellect increased by
100.115. - Item – LFR T18 Mail Healer 2P Bonus Spirit increased by
125.145. - Item – LFR T18 Mail Healer 4P Bonus Your healing spells have a 10% chance to increase your healing by
30%12% for 6 sec, diminishing over time. - Item – LFR T18 Plate Healer 2P Bonus Spirit increased by
125.145. - Item – LFR T18 Plate Melee 2P Bonus Strength increased by
100.115. - Item – LFR T18 Plate Tank 2P Bonus Bonus Armor increased by
125.145. - Item – LFR T18 Plate Tank 4P Bonus You have a chance when taking damage to gain Fel Bulwark, absorbing
50,000 damage for 6 sec.23,500 damage for 6 sec.
Death Knight
- Item – Death Knight T18 Blood 2P Bonus Blood Boil and Soul Reaper have a 25% chance to grant 1 extra stack of Scent of Blood. In addition, Scent of Blood now stacks up to
{5+5} times.10 times. - Item – Death Knight T18 Unholy 4P Bonus Your Dark Tranformation now transforms your Ghoul into a Crazed Monstrosity, increasing both
you and the Monstrosity’s damage and attack speed.the Monstrosity’s and your damage and attack speed.
- Item – Hunter T18 Beast Mastery 2P Bonus Arcane Shot
increasesand Multi-Shot increase the duration of your Focus Fire by 3 sec. - Item – Hunter T18 Beast Mastery 4P Bonus Your Focus Fire effect also summons a Fel Boar to assist you. The Fel Boar lasts
while Focus Fire is active.for the duration of Focus Fire. - Item – Hunter T18 Marksmanship 2P Bonus When you critically hit with Chimera Shot, you have a 40% chance to gain Rapid Fire for
until cancelled.4 sec.
- Item – Mage T17 Fire 2P Bonus
Inferno Blast now has 2 charges.Reduces the cooldown of Inferno Blast by 2 sec. - Item – Mage T18 Arcane 4P Bonus Presence of Mind has a
10%100% chance to create a Time Anomaly, summoning a random hero through time to assist you in battle for30 sec.10 sec. - Item – Mage T18 Fire 2P Bonus Pyroblast has a 25% chance to conjure a Fiery Phoenix, dealing
[ 350% of Spell Power ] additionalFire damage to the target.
- Item – Monk T18 Mistweaver 2P Bonus Your Renewing Mist also applies Extend Life to the initial target, instantly healing them for [ 105.8% of Spell Power ] and increasing all healing done to them by 15% for 12 sec.Your Rising Sun Kick increases the damage the target receives from your abilities by an additional 6%.
- Item – Monk T18 Mistweaver 4P Bonus When you heal with Enveloping Mist or Uplift, 50% of the heal is also applied to targets with your Extend Life effect.When you Rising Sun Kick, you have a 45% chance to apply Renewing Mist on a nearby injured ally.
- Item – Monk T18 Mistweaver 4P Bonus Fistweaving (New) When you heal with Enveloping Mist or Uplift, 50% of the heal is also applied to targets with your Extend Life effect. When you Rising Sun Kick, you have a 45% chance to apply Renewing Mist on a nearby injured ally. Limited to 1 target. Instant.
- Item – Paladin T18 Holy 2P Bonus Increases the amount of healing transferred to your Beacon of Light targets by
30%.25%. - Item – Paladin T18 Holy 4P Bonus
Increases the amount of healing transferred to your Beacon of Light targets by 5%.Your spell haste is increased by 2% every time you heal your Beacon of Light target. Lasts for 6 sec. Stacks up to 4 times. - Item – Paladin T18 Protection 2P Bonus
Each timeWhen you cast Avenger’s Shield, youheal forgain an absorb effect equal to 1.5% of your maximum healthover 10 sec.for 10 sec. - Item – Paladin T18 Retribution 2P Bonus
When you Exorcism, you have a 100% chance to reduce the cooldown of Avenging Wrath by 6 sec.Avenging Wrath now has 2 charges. - Item – Paladin T18 Retribution 4P Bonus After using Avenging Wrath, your damage is increased by
4%5% every 1 sec for 10 sec.
- Item – Priest T18 Discipline 2P Bonus Your Penance damage and healing is increased by 8% for 15 sec each time it deals damage or heals. This effect stacks up to 6 times.
- Item – Priest T18 Holy 2P Bonus You gain 2% spell haste for 15 sec when Prayer of Mending bounces. This effect can stack up to 3 times.
- Item – Priest T18 Shadow 4P Bonus When your
Mindbender expires, you gain Mind Harvest for until cancelled sec increasing your Multistrike chance.Shadowfiend or Mindbender expires, you gain Premonition, increasing your Multistrike chance by 25% for 15 sec.
- Item – Rogue T18 Combat 2P Bonus You have a chance while Slice and Dice is active to
againgain the Adrenaline Rush effect for 4 sec. - Item – Rogue T18 Combat 4P Bonus Increases your damage while
AdrenailineAdrenaline Rush is active by 25%.
- Item – Shaman T17 Restoration 4P Bonus When you gain Tidal Waves, you have a 8% chance to reduce the mana cost of Chain Heal by
75% for 10 sec.50% for 8 sec. - Item – Shaman T18 Elemental 4P Bonus For every 20 Lightning Shield charges
used, you conjure a Lightning Vortex near your location. Running through the Lightning Vortex will increase your total haste by 10% for 12 sec.consumed, your total total spell haste is increased by 20% for 15 sec. Every 3 sec the effect diminishes. - Item – Shaman T18 Restoration 2P Bonus Increases Riptide’s critical strike chance by
- Item – Warlock T18 Demonology 2P Bonus Your Soul Fire increases the damage done by your Demons by 5% for 15 sec.This effect can stack up to 5 times.
- Item – Warlock T18 Destruction 4P Bonus Your Chaos Bolt has a 9% chance to not consume
an Ember.a Ember. - Item – Warlock WoD PvP Destruction 4P Bonus (New) Increases damage done by Incinerate on targets afflicted by your Immolate by 25%.
- Item – Warrior T17 Arms 2P Bonus
Colossus Smash now generates 20 Rage.Reduces the Rage cost of Mortal Strike by 5. - Item – Warrior T18 Arms 4P Bonus Your Rend
ticks 30% damage 30% more often. - Item – Warrior T18 Protection 2P Bonus While Shield Block is active, the cost of Shield Barrier is reduced by 55%.While in Gladiator Stance, your Enrage generates 30 additional Rage.
- Item – Warrior T18 Protection 4P Bonus While Shield Barrier is active, magical damage taken is reduced by 25%.Your Shield Charge also causes you to Enrage.
- Flight Form Shapeshift into flight form, increasing movement speed
by 150%and allowing you to fly. Cannot use in combat. The act of shapeshifting frees the caster of movement impairing effects. Can’t be cast in Tree of Life Form, Moonkin Form. Shapeshift. 7.4% of Base Mana. Instant. - Talents
- Force of Nature Summons a Treant which will immediately cast Swiftmend on your current target. The Treant will cast Healing Touch on that target or a nearby ally periodically, healing for
[ 27.2%[ 1 + 73.6% of Spell Power ]. Lasts 15 sec. Maximum 3 charges. 3 Max Charges. Can’t be cast in Flight Form. Druid – LvL 60 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant. 20 sec recharge. 3 Max Charges. - Force of Nature Summons a Treant which will immediately root your current target for 30 sec. The Treant will cast Wrath at that target for
[ 23.5%[ 1 + 19.2% of Spell Power ] Nature damage every 2 sec. Lasts 15 sec. Maximum 3 charges. 3 Max Charges. Can’t be cast in Flight Form. Druid – LvL 60 Talent. 40 yd range. Instant. 20 sec recharge. 3 Max Charges.
- Force of Nature Summons a Treant which will immediately cast Swiftmend on your current target. The Treant will cast Healing Touch on that target or a nearby ally periodically, healing for
- Pets
- Spirit Mend The Spirit Beast heals the current friendly target for
[ 105%[ 189.1% of RAP ] plus an additional[ 70%[ 126% of RAP ] over 10 sec. Can be cast in Spirit of Redemption. Exotic Ability. 5 Focus. 25 yd range. Instant. 30 sec cooldown.
- Spirit Mend The Spirit Beast heals the current friendly target for
- Blackout Kick (Brewmaster) no longer increases your Stagger chance by 10%.
- Stay of Execution A hammer slowly falls from the sky, causing
[ 1,348.4% of Holy[ 28 + 1,657.6% of Spell Power ] healing over 9 sec. This healing is a large burst at first, and then decreases over time. Unlimited range. Instant. - Talents
- Execution Sentence A hammer slowly falls from the sky, causing [ 914.2% of Holy Spell Power ] Holy damage over 10 sec. Damage increases over time, culminating in a final burst. Dispelling the effect triggers the final burst. Stay of Execution On a friendly target, the falling hammer heals for
[ 1,348.4% of Holy[ 28 + 1,657.6% of Spell Power ] over 9 sec. This healing is a large burst at first, and then decreases over time. Paladin – LvL 90 Talent. 12.8% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. Instant. 60 sec cooldown.
- Execution Sentence A hammer slowly falls from the sky, causing [ 914.2% of Holy Spell Power ] Holy damage over 10 sec. Damage increases over time, culminating in a final burst. Dispelling the effect triggers the final burst. Stay of Execution On a friendly target, the falling hammer heals for
- Protection & Retribution
- Seal of Righteousness Fills you with Holy Light, causing melee attacks to deal (12% of weapon damage) Holy damage to all targets within 8 yards. Replaces Seal of Command. Paladin – Protection & Retribution Spec. Instant.
- Retribution
- Avenging Wrath Increases all damage and healing caused by 20% for 20 sec. 1 Max Charges. Paladin – Retribution Spec. Instant. 2 min
cooldown.recharge. 1 Max Charges. - Seal of Truth Fills you with Holy Light, causing melee attacks to deal (12% of weapon damage) additional Holy damage and apply Censure to the target.
Replaces Seal of Command.Censure Deals [ 6.18% of Spell Power ] additional Holy damage over 15 sec. Stacks up to 5 times. Paladin – Retribution Spec. Instant.
- Avenging Wrath Increases all damage and healing caused by 20% for 20 sec. 1 Max Charges. Paladin – Retribution Spec. Instant. 2 min
- Major Glyphs
- Glyph of Divine Storm Your Divine Storm also heals you for
4% of your maximum health. Major Glyph.[ 4% of Total Health ]. Major Glyph.
- Glyph of Divine Storm Your Divine Storm also heals you for
- Talents
- Desperate Prayer Heals the caster for
22% of maximum health[ 22% of Total Health . Can be cast in Shadowform. Can’t be cast in Spirit of Redemption. Priest – LvL 15 Talent. Instant. 2 min cooldown.
- Desperate Prayer Heals the caster for
- Talents
- Shuriken Toss A ranged attack dealing [ 120% of AP ] Physical damage to an enemy target and having a chance to apply Lethal Poisons. If the enemy is farther than 10 yards away, your autoattacks gain a 30 yard range for 10 sec. Awards 1 combo points. Replaces Throw. Rogue – LvL 90 Talent. 40 Energy. 30 yd range. Instant.
- Talents
- Stone Bulwark Totem Summons an Earth Totem with
10% of the caster’s5 health at the feet of the caster for 30 sec, granting the caster a shield absorbing [ 218.8% of AP or 350% of Spell Power ] damage for 10 sec, and up to an additional [ 54.7% of AP or 87.5% of Spell Power ] every 5 sec. Shaman – LvL 15 Talent. 8% of Base Mana. Instant. 60 sec cooldown.
- Stone Bulwark Totem Summons an Earth Totem with
- Restoration
- Chain Heal Heals the friendly target for [ 1 +
162.5%203.12% of Spell Power ], then jumps to heal the most injured nearby party or raid members. Healing is reduced by 10% after each jump. Heals 4 total targets. Shaman – Restoration Spec. 28% of Base Mana. 40 yd range. 2.5 sec cast.
- Chain Heal Heals the friendly target for [ 1 +
- Mortal Coil Horrifies an enemy target into fleeing, incapacitating them for 3 sec, and
restores 11% of the caster’s maximum health. Talent. Instant.healing you for [ 11% of Total Health ]. Talent. Instant. - Talents
- Mortal Coil Horrifies an enemy target into fleeing, incapacitating them for 3 sec, and
restores 11% of the caster’s maximum healthhealing you for [ 11% of Total Health . Warlock – LvL 30 Talent. 30 yd range. Instant. 45 sec cooldown.
- Mortal Coil Horrifies an enemy target into fleeing, incapacitating them for 3 sec, and
- Demonology
- Molten Core Your Shadow Bolt and Soul Fire on targets below 25% health reduce the cast time
and manamana cost, and Demonic Fury cost of your next Soul Fire by 50%. Hand of Gul’dan damage over time and Wild Imp Firebolt damage have an 8% chance to trigger this effect at any health level. Chaos Wave damage will always trigger this effect. Warlock – Demonology Spec.
- Molten Core Your Shadow Bolt and Soul Fire on targets below 25% health reduce the cast time
- Ravager (Arms, Fury) Throw a whirling
axeweapon at the target location that inflicts [ 1 + 61.5% of AP ] damage to enemies within 6 yards every 1 sec. - Ravager (Protection) Throw a whirling
axeweapon at the target location that inflicts [ 1 + 61.5% of AP ] damage to enemies within 6 yards every 1 sec. - Talents
- Ravager (Arms, Fury) Throw a whirling
axeweapon at the target location that inflicts [ 1 + 61.5% of AP ] damage to enemies within 6 yards every 1 sec. - Ravager (Protection) Throw a whirling
axeweapon at the target location that inflicts [ 1 + 61.5% of AP ] damage to enemies within 6 yards every 1 sec.
- Ravager (Arms, Fury) Throw a whirling