Diesen Monat in WoW: Mai 2015

Die Entwickler von Blizzard haben im Verlauf der vergangenen Nacht einen kurzen Blogeintrag zu World of Warcraft veröffentlicht, der einmal alle wichtigen Ereignisse aus dem kommenden Monat Mai auflistet. Wer also aktuell keine Events im Spiel verpassen möchte oder einfach erfahren will, ob in der Vergangenheit in diesem Monat etwas Interessantes passiert ist, der sollte sich diese Übersicht kurz ansehen.
This Month in WoW – May 2015
April showers may bring May flowers, but they don’t put food on your Garrison’s tables. The war against the Iron Horde marches on, and the battle will be advancing into Tanaan Jungle in Patch 6.2—now available on the Public Test Realms. You can check out the latest patch notes here, and once you’ve had a chance to try it out, share your experiences with other testers on the PTR forums.
Upcoming In-Game Events
Children’s Week Ends Soon [April 27 – May 4]
Wipe your tears and get ready to bid a fond farewell to your little friend. You done good.
Darkmoon Faire Returns [May 3 – May 10]
The illustrious Darkmoon Faire makes its triumphant return early this month. Bring on the dancing bears!
Upcoming World of Warcraft Tournaments
Looking for something in the realm of eSports? Here are a few World of Warcraft Arena tournaments to keep tabs on.
GCDTV US: Tournaments every Friday and Saturday at 9 p.m. EST / 6 p.m. PST / 3 a.m. CET
GCDTV EU: Tournaments every Saturday and Sunday at 8 p.m. CET / 3 p.m. EST / 12 p.m. PST
- No EU Tournament May 2-3 to avoid scheduling conflict with ProGameX
The GCDTV [(G)lobal (C)ool(D)own TV] tournament is hosted by DMachine and cast by Arena veterans Supatease and Venruki, and you can catch all of the action on the GCDTV Twitch channel. Catch up on previous tournament VoDs here, and follow their official GCDTV Twitter feed to stay up to date on all of the action.
Catch all of the live action in ProGameX’s second Warlords of Draenor EU Tournament 2015 on Saturday, May 2 at 11 a.m. PST / 2 p.m. EST / 7 p.m. CET. Arena veteran Supatease will be on hand to shoutcast every cooldown and CC. You can catch up on previous tournament VoDs here, and follow @progamexcom on Twitter to stay in the know.
Gamers League 3v3 Arena Tournament
Ending May with a bang, Gamers League will be streaming a tournament on Saturday, May 30 and Sunday, May 31 on their Twitch channel. Visit their site or follow them on Twitter to find out more. Check out previous tournament VoDs here.
This Month in World of Warcraft History
World of Warcraft turned 10 last November, and we’re well on our way into year eleven! A lot has happened since the game’s launch, and we thought we’d look back on one of the game’s most memorable bits of May-based history with you.
May 2007—Patch 2.1 introduced The Black Temple, one of the most iconic raids in The Burning Crusade expansion. Players entered the Temple to test out whether Illidan was right when he said they were “NOT PREPARED!”
Related Reading: Unbroken by Micky Neilson
10 Things Every Player Should Know About World of Warcraft
We asked players on Twitter if they could share just one thing all players should know about World of Warcraft, what would it be? Here’s list of 10 of our favorite responses.
- Today’s newbies are tomorrow’s Mythic Raiders, so treat’em with respect and help teach them. —Foxy 2.0
- There are about a million ways to play, it’s not as linear as it might appear. Adventure, and find good people to do so with. —Lumberjack Mike
- Don’t stand in the fire. —Brandon S.
- Everything you put into the game is what you’ll get out. Put in negative energy, words, attitude etc., that is what you’ll get out. —Jessica P.
- WoW is playing with friends you just haven’t met yet! —Lunami
- It’s just a game!! —Megacode
- Learn and play the game at your own pace so you can enjoy it. —Will R.
- Try out everything that WoW has to offer, you will find something you enjoy. —Soulbearer Malygos
- Pet battles are awesome. —Ginger
- We were all noobs in the beginning. —Chibi Keni
What would be on your list?