Blizzard: Die Gewinner der Streamingpreise für das Jahr 2014

Nachdem die Spielerschaft der verschiedenen Titel nun eine Woche lang Zeit dafür hatte, um über ihre Favoriten in einigen Kategorien des Blizzard-Streamingpreises für das vergangene Jahr 2014 abzustimmen, haben die Entwickler in der vergangenen Nacht nun alle Sieger dieser Preisverleihung verkündet. Neben den Kategorien, die durch die Stimmen der Spieler entschieden wurden, gibt es dabei dann auch noch einige Preise, die auf den von Twitch gesammelten Daten basieren.
Zusätzlich zu der Auszeichnung als Empfänger eines solchen Streamingpreises, erhalten die Gewinner dieser Preisverleihung auch noch jeweils einen Anteil der von Twitch als Preisgeld bereitgestellten $113,700. Dabei bekommen allerdings nicht nur die ersten Plätze einen Geldpreis, sondern alle nominierten Personen auf den Plätzen 1 bis 5.
Die Geldverteilung der einzelnen Plätze in allen Kategorien:
- 1st place: $2014
- 2nd place: $1000
- 3rd place: $900
- 4th place: $800
- 5th place: $700
Auf Daten basierende Gewinner:
- Most Active Viewer – Awarded to the viewer who followed the most Blizzard channels in 2014
- 1st Place: looknohands119
- 2nd Place: dallas1295
- 3rd Place: esmoire
- 4th Place: seanzk
- 5th Place: blizzalo
- Most Dedicated Viewer – Awarded to the viewer who had the most active subscriptions to Blizzard channels, averaged across all of 2014
- 1st Place: school47
- 2nd Place: ctone23
- 3rd Place: dthehunter
- 4th Place: cartmen100
- 5th Place: wintergaming
- Most Engaged Viewers – Awarded to the broadcasters with the highest average minutes watched per unique viewer (with a minimum of 1000 total unique viewers in 2014)
- 1st Place: gnumme
- 2nd Place: Sodapoppin
- 3rd Place: trumpsc
- 4th Place: nl_kripp
- 5th Place: happasc2
- Most Active Hoster – Awarded to the broadcasters with the most minutes of Blizzard games streamed in 2014
- 1st Place: gaarabestshaman
- 2nd Place: ihosty
- 3rd Place: vieparlafoi
- 4th Place: kinguin_net
- 5th Place: hero_firebat
- Most Active Chat – Awarded to the streamers with the most total messages per minute broadcasted, minimum of 10,000 minutes broadcasting Blizzard games in 2014
- 1st Place: Forsenlol
- 2nd Place: Amazhs
- 3rd Place: Wintergaming
- 4th Place: NL_Kripp
- 5th Place: Sodapoppin
- Highest Mean Viewership – Awarded to the streamers with the most concurrent viewers per minute of Blizzard games broadcast in 2014
- 1st Place: trumpsc
- 2nd Place: NL_Kripp
- 3rd Place: wellplayedhs
- 4th Place: pgl
- 5th Place: amazhs
Auf einer Abstimmung basierende Gewinner:
- Favorite New Hearthstone Streamer in 2014
- 1st Place: LiquidSavjz
- 2nd Place: Deernadia
- 3rd Place: Lifecoach1981
- 4th Place: Hero_firebat
- 5th Place: Hsdogdog
- Most Educational Hearthstone Stream in 2014
- 1st Place: Trumpsc
- 2nd Place: Nl_kripp
- 3rd Place: Kolento
- 4th Place: StrifeCro
- 5th Place: Lifecoach1981
- Best Hearthstone Streamer in 2014
- 1st Place: Amazhs
- 2nd Place: Forsenlol
- 3rd Place: Nl_kripp
- 4th Place: Trumpsc
- 5th Place: Kolento
- Overall Best Diablo III Streamer in 2014
- 1st Place: Datmodz
- 2nd Place: Alkaizerx
- 3rd Place: Baudusau420
- 4th Place: Bigdaddyden76
- 5th Place: Moldran
- Most Educational Diablo III Stream in 2014
- 1st Place: Alkaizerx
- 2nd Place: Philosophios
- 3rd Place: Moldran
- 4th Place: Rhykker
- 5th Place: Nlgg_shinobi
- Favorite New Diablo III Streamer in 2014
- 1st Place: Quin69
- 2nd Place: Thedeadset
- 3rd Place: Nohandsken
- 4th Place: Pjs2
- 5th Place: Haxd3
- Favorite New WoW Streamer in 2014
- 1st Place: Taymoo
- 2nd Place: Cincinbear
- 3rd Place: Zerorunes
- 4th Place: Blondiewondie
- 5th Place: Zabius_wow
- Favorite WoW PvP Streamer in 2014
- 1st Place: Bajheera
- 2nd Place: Cdewx
- 3rd Place: Watchmeblink1
- 4th Place: Swifty
- 5th Place: Venruki
- Favorite WoW PvE Streamer in 2014
- 1st Place: Towelliee
- 2nd Place: Slootbag
- 3rd Place: Fatbosstv
- 4th Place: Ducksauce
- 5th Place: Fragnance
- Favorite StarCraft II Community Show in 2014
- 1st Place: Day[9] Daily
- 2nd Place: Unfiltered
- 3rd Place: Remax
- 4th Place: META
- 5th Place: The Late Game
- Favorite New StarCraft II Streamer in 2014
- 1st Place: Partingthebigboy
- 2nd Place: Sc2Rain
- 3rd Place: Sc2Soulkey
- 4th Place: Sacsri
- 5th Place: BreAKerSC2
- Favorite StarCraft II Individual Streamer in 2014
- 1st Place: Destiny
- 2nd Place: Winter
- 3rd Place: CranK
- 4th Place: Dragon
- 5th Place: TLO
- Overall Favorite Heroes of the Storm Stream in 2014
- 1st Place: Crendor
- 2nd Place: Khaldor
- 3rd Place: FollowGrubby
- 4th Place: LiquidNeo
- 5th Place: SolidJakeGG
- Most Educational Heroes of the Storm Streamer in 2014
- 1st Place: Khaldor
- 2nd Place: FollowGrubby
- 3rd Place: GosuZuna
- 4th Place: ZP_tv
- 5th Place: Dunktrain
- Favorite Heroes of the Storm Community Show in 2014
- 1st Place: TownHall Heroes
- 2nd Place: Eye on the Storm
- 3rd Place: Into the Nexus
- 4th Place: Heroes of the Nexus
- 5th Place: Stormcast