Diablo 3: Der PTR zu Patch 2.2 und erste Informationen von Data Minern

Die Entwickler von Blizzards Action-Rollenspiels „Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls“ haben vergangene Nacht in mehreren Blueposts offiziell angekündigt, dass der öffentliche Testserver zu Patch 2.2 mittlerweile zwar gestartet wurde, aber Spieler vorübergehend noch keinen Zugriff auf die neuen Inhalte haben werden. Dennoch können interessierte Spieler bereits jetzt die für diese Testphase benötigten Daten herunterladen und sich schon einmal auf den vermutlich bald einsetzenden Start dieser Testphase vorbereiten. Weitere Informationen sollen in den nächsten Tagen oder Wochen folgen.
Wir bereiten den Start des öffentlichen Testrealms (PTR) für Patch 2.2.0 vor. Euch ist möglicherweise aufgefallen, dass der PTR-Client im Moment in der Battle.net-Software heruntergeladen werden kann.
Im Moment ist der PTR noch nicht verfügbar und ihr werdet eine Fehlermeldung erhalten, wenn ihr versucht, euch anzumelden.
Patch 2.2.0 beinhaltet unter anderem den Wechsel zu einem neuen Dateisystem namens CASC (über das ihr in unserer Vorschau auf Patch 2.2.0 mehr erfahren könnt). Deswegen wird der Installationsvorgang möglicherweise länger als gewohnt dauern.
Außerdem führen wir zusätzliche interne Tests durch, bevor wir den PTR öffentlich zugänglich machen. Sobald der PTR zum Testen zur Verfügung steht, werden wir diesen Beitrag aktualisieren und die Patchnotes veröffentlichen. Behaltet unsere Startseite für weitere Informationen im Auge.
Wir freuen uns darauf, euch zum Test unseres nächsten Patches einzuladen und bitten euch um noch ein klein wenig Geduld, während wir die letzten Vorbereitungen abschließen.
Informationen von Data Minern:
Auch wenn Spieler aktuell noch keinen Zugang zu dem PTR für Patch 2.2 haben, so konnten Data Miner doch bereits jetzt eine Reihe von Informationen aus den Daten dieses Update gewinnen.
Neue Set Boni:
- Wrath of the Wastes 2 pieces: [Rend deals 400% increased damage.]
- Wrath of the Wastes 4 pieces: [Rend lasts 400% longer.]
- Wrath of the Wastes 6 pieces: [Whirlwind deals 400% increased damage to enemies affected by your Rend.]
- Delsere’s Magnum Opus 2 pieces: [Casting Arcane Orb, Energy Twister, Magic Missile or Shock Pulse reduces the cooldown of Slow Time by 1 |4second:seconds;.]
- Delsere’s Magnum Opus 4 pieces: [Enemies affected by your Slow Time take 1250% weapon damage every second.]
- Delsere’s Magnum Opus 6 pieces: [Enemies affected by your Slow Time take 500% more damage from your Arcane Orb, Energy Twister, Magic Missile and Shock Pulse abilities.]
- Unhallowed Essence 2 pieces: [Your generators also generate 1 Discipline.]
- Unhallowed Essence 4 pieces: [Gain 40% damage reduction for 4 seconds if no enemy is within 10 yards of you.]
- Unhallowed Essence 6 pieces: [Your generators and Multishot deal 10% increased damage for every point of Discipline you have.]
- Roland’s Legacy 2 pieces: [Every use of Shield Bash and Sweep Attack reduces the cooldowns of your Laws and Defensive Skills by 1 second.]
- Roland’s Legacy 4 pieces: [Increase the damage of Shield Bash and Sweep Attack by 500%.]
- Raiment of a Thousand Storms 2 pieces: [Your Spirit Generators have 25% increased attack speed and 500% increased damage.]
- Raiment of a Thousand Storms 4 pieces: [Increases the weapon damage of Dashing Strike to 5000%.]
- Raiment of a Thousand Storms 6 pieces: [Dashing Strike spends 50 Spirit, but refunds a Charge when it does.]
- Guardian’s Jeopardy 2 pieces: [+250 Vitality] [Regenerates 8000 Life per Second] UP FROM 2000
- Zunimassa’s Haunt 6 pieces: [Enemies hit by your Mana spenders take 100% more damage from your pets for 4 seconds.]
- Inna’s Mantra 6 pieces: [Mystic Ally casts Cyclone Strike, Exploding Palm, Lashing Tail Kick, Seven-Sided Strike, and Wave of Light when you do.]
- Inna’s Mantra 2 pieces: [Increase the passive effect of your Mystic Ally and the base passive effect of your Mantra by 100%.]
- Tal Rasha’s Elements 2 pieces: [Damaging enemies with Arcane, Cold, Fire or Lightning will cause a Meteor of the same damage type to fall from the sky. There is an 8 second cooldown for each damage type.]
- Tal Rasha’s Elements 4 pieces: [Attacks increase your resistance to that damage type by 100% for 6 seconds.]
- Tal Rasha’s Elements 6 pieces: [Attacks increase your damage by 75% for 3 seconds. Arcane, Cold, Fire, and Lightning attacks each add one stack. Adding a stack refreshes the duration.]
- Immortal King’s Call 2 pieces: [Call of the Ancients last until they die.]
- Immortal King’s Call 4 pieces: [Call of the Ancients‘ melee attacks also deal 600% weapon damage in a 15 yard radius.]
- Immortal King’s Call 6 pieces: [Increase the duration of your Wrath of the Berserker by [0.5|1|] |4second:seconds; every time an Ancient deals damage.]
- Natalya’s Vengeance 4 pieces: [The cooldown of Rain of Vengeance is reduced by 2 seconds every time you cast a primary skill and by 3 seconds every time you cast a Hatred spender.]
- Natalya’s Vengeance 6 pieces: [Rain of Vengeance deals 800% increased damage.]
Neue legendäre Affixe und mögliche Set Boni:
- P2_ItemPassive_Unique_025 – Enemies hit by your Furious Charge take [VALUE]% weapon damage over 3 seconds.
- P2_ItemPassive_Unique_026 – The first enemy hit by Furious Charge takes [VALUE]% additional damage.
- P2_ItemPassive_Unique_027 – Increase the duration of your Wrath of the Berserker by [VALUE] seconds every time an Ancient deals damage.
- P2_ItemPassive_Unique_032 – Wrath of the Berserker gains the effect of every rune.
- P2_ItemPassive_Unique_043 – Ground Stomp causes an Avalanche.
- P2_ItemPassive_Unique_048 – Call of the Ancients‘ melee attacks also deal [VALUE% weapon damage in a 15 yard radius.
- P2_ItemPassive_Unique_004 – Increase the damage of Whirlwind by [VALUE]% weapon damage.
- P2_ItemPassive_Unique_001 – Rend lasts [VALUE]% longer.
- P2_ItemPassive_Unique_002 – Rend deals [VALUE]% increased damage.
- P2_ItemPassive_Unique_003 – Whirlwind deals [VALUE]% increased damage to enemies affected by your Rend.
- P2_ItemPassive_Unique_028 – Attacks increase your damage by [VALUE]% for 3 seconds. Arcane, Cold, Fire, and Lightning attacks each add one stack. Adding a stack refreshes the duration.
- ItemPassive_Unique_914_x1 – [VALUE]% chance on being hit to release a Frost Nova.
- P2_ItemPassive_Unique_037 – Increase the damage of Meteor by 100%. When your Meteor hits 3 or less enemies, the damage is increased by [VALUE]%.
- P2_ItemPassive_Unique_013 – Casting Arcane Orb, Energy Twister, Magic Missile or Shock Pulse reduces the cooldown of Slow Time by [VALUE] seconds.
- P2_ItemPassive_Unique_015 – Slow Time gains the effect of every rune.
- P2_ItemPassive_Unique_012 – Enemies affected by your Slow Time take [VALUE]% more damage from your Arcane Orb, Energy Twister, Magic Missile and Shock Pulse abilities.
- P2_ItemPassive_Unique_010 – Enemies affected by your Slow Time take [VALUE]% weapon damage every second.
- P2_ItemPassive_Unique_050 – Your Fire Signature Spells cause up to 3 enemies to explode, dealing [VALUE]% weapon damage as Fire to enemies within 10 yards.
- P2_ItemPassive_Unique_029 – Mystic Ally casts Cyclone Strike, Exploding Palm, Lashing Tail Kick, Seven-Sided Strike, and Wave of Light when you do.
- P2_ItemPassive_Unique_033 – Increases the weapon damage of Dashing Strike to [VALUE]%.
- ItemPassive_Unique_915_x1 – Seven-Sided Strike performs an additional seven strikes.
- P2_ItemPassive_Unique_034 – Your Spirit Generators reduce your damage taken by [VALUE]% for 3 seconds.
- P2_ItemPassive_Unique_049 – Increase the passive effect of your Mystic Ally and the base passive effect of your Mantra by [{VALUE1}*100]%.
- P2_ItemPassive_Unique_022 – Your Spirit Generators have 25% increased attack speed and [VALUE]% increased damage.
- ItemPassive_Unique_541_x1 – Your Spirit Generators generate [VALUE]% more Spirit.
- P2_ItemPassive_Unique_021 – Dashing Strike spends [VALUE] Spirit, but refunds a Charge when it does.
Witch Doctor
- P2_ItemPassive_Unique_030 – Enemies hit by your Mana spenders take [VALUE]% more damage from your pets for 4 seconds.
- P2_ItemPassive_Unique_035 – Summon a Fetish Sycophant when you hit with a Mana spender.
- P2_ItemPassive_Unique_041 – Gargantuan instead summons three smaller gargantuans each more powerful than before.
- P2_ItemPassive_Unique_039 – Increase the damage of Shield Bash and Sweep Attack by [VALUE]%.
- P2_ItemPassive_Unique_040 – Every use of Shield Bash and Sweep Attack reduces the cooldowns of your Laws and Defensive Skills by 1 second.
- P2_ItemPassive_Unique_042 – When your Shield Bash hits 3 or less enemies, its damage is increased by [VALUE]% and 50% of its Wrath Cost is refunded.
- P2_ItemPassive_Unique_045 – Justice spawns a Blessed Hammer when it hits an enemy.
- P2_ItemPassive_Unique_046 – Slash attacks in all directions.
- P2_ItemPassive_Unique_047 – Blocks release forward a Fires of Heaven.
Demon Hunter
- P2_ItemPassive_Unique_031 – Rain of Vengeance deals [VALUE]% increased damage.
- P2_ItemPassive_Unique_005 – Your generators and Multishot deal [VALUE]% increased damage for every point of Discipline you have.
- P2_ItemPassive_Unique_007 – Your generators also generate [VALUE] Discipline.
- P2_ItemPassive_Unique_017 – Multishot hits enemies below [VALUE]% health twice.
- P2_ItemPassive_Unique_020 – Gain [VALUE]% damage reduction for 4 seconds if no enemy is within 10 yards of you.
Kosmetische Objekte für Asien:
Platinum – General
- DailyFirst: [PH]Daily First
- DailyFirst_TreasureGoblin: [PH]You killed a Treasure Goblin!
- DailyFirst_BossKill: [PH]You killed a boss!
- SignificantKill_Title: [PH]Significant Kill
- SignificantKill_Details: [PH]You killed something Significant!
- BuyStashTabFromStore: [PH]Buy new tab from store
- RequiresPremiumPass: Enchanting Requires Premium Package
- RequiresPremiumOrAdventurePass: Enchanting requires Premium Package or Adventure Pass
- BuyPremiumPassFromStore: [PH]Buy Premium Package
- DailyFirst_Bounty: [PH]Daily First Bounty Set
- Platinum_Achievement: [PH]Platinum Achievement
- PurchaseHeroSlot string1 – Buy Hero Slot
- PurchaseTextPremiumPass – Requires the Premium Package. In order to play as the Crusader you must own the Premium Package.
- PurchaseTextCrusaderPass – Requires the Crusader Pass. In order to play as the Crusader you must own the Crusader Pass or the Premium Package.
- BnetStore_PremiumPassSubtitle: Gain Premium benefits! Premium Package includes the following:
- BnetStorePremiumPass_StashSpaceAd: 4 Additional Stash Tabs regularly: {s1}
- BnetStorePremiumPass_CharacterSlotAd: 8 Additional Character Slots regularly: {s1}
- BnetStorePremiumPass_FlexBundleInfo: Your previous purchases have discounted Premium Package for you.
- BnetStore_ResendSMS: Resend SMS Code
- BnetStorePremiumPass_PortraitFrameAd: Face of Death Portrait frame – exclusive to the Premium Package.
- BnetStorePremiumPass_AdventureModeSubtitle: Lifetime Access
- BnetStorePremiumPass_AdventureModeTitle: Adventure Mode
- BnetStore_CharacterSlotSubTitle: Purchase Character Slots and test your mettle with the various classes of Sanctuary.
- BnetStore_CharacterSlotHelpText: Purchase up to 3 additional Character Slots.
- BnetStore_StashTabSubTitle: Purchase Individual Stash Tabs to increase your capacity to store items.
- BnetStore_StashTabHelpText: Purchase up to 5 additional Stash Tabs.
- BnetStore_RentalItemDescription: This item can be rented for {s1} {s2}
- BnetStore_StashTabOwned: You have {s1} Stash |4Tab:Tabs
- BnetStore_OwnedRentalItemDescription: You are renting this item. It will expire in {s1} {s2}
- BnetStore_ResendNetEasePin: Resend NetEase Pin
- BnetStoreBoostsIcon_XPText: 25% Experience Boost
- BnetStoreBoostsIcon_BSText: 25% Blood Shard Boost
- BnetStoreBoostsIcon_GFText: 25% Gold Find Boost
- BnetStore_Characterslot_PremiumPassRefer: Want more? Purchasing the Premium Package will grant 8 additional Character Slots!
- BnetStore_StashTab_PremiumPassRefer: Want more? Purchasing the Premium Package will grant 4 additional Stash Tabs!
- BnetStore_AdventurePassDescriptionDefault: Unlock your platinum earning potential with the first bounty of the day, while enjoying Adventure Mode, Act V and the Mystic.
Cosmetic Item Descriptions
- Cosmetic_Pet_thousandPounder: He’s a tiny bundle of pudgy horror, and he’ll be your friend!
- Cosmetic_Pet_FallenHound_Skeletal: Please don’t feed the skeleton.
- Cosmetic_Wings_Red: [PH]These stylish red wings look great with black and silver.
- Cosmetic_Wings_Blue: [PH]Stylish blue wings.
- Cosmetic_Wings_Imperius: [PH]Fashioned in the likeness of the angel Imperius, these wings represent those who fight with Valor.
- Cosmetic_Wings_Bug: [PH]A pair of wings a Zerg queen could love.
- Cosmetic_Wings_angel_flame_cyan: [PH]Equip yourself with this adornment of azure light.
- Cosmetic_Wings_angel_flame_orange: Your enemies will see you coming from far away, and have time to be afraid.
- Cosmetic_Wings_angel_twoTone_gold: Their golden glow hints at the magnificence of the Heavens.
- Cosmetic_Wings_angel_twoTone_greyscale: Their silvery shine evokes the strength of a mortal knight.
- Cosmetic_Wings_angel_twoTone_purple: [PH] These majestic wings began showing up after the shattering of the Worldstone.
- Cosmetic_Wings_bat: You are so pure that you can wear the wings of a demon with no fear of corruption.
- Cosmetic_Wings_demonic_blackBlue: Their ominous aura speaks of horrors unseen.
- Cosmetic_Wings_demonic_blackCyan: [PH] The energies of Sanctuary are reflected by these wings.
- Cosmetic_Wings_demonic_blackRed: [PH] Express your fury and wrath with these badass wings.
- Cosmetic_Wings_demonic_blackYellow: [PH] For the whimsical, the surprising, or simply to show off.
- Cosmetic_WoD_Flag: [PH]Earned for pre-ordering World of Warcraft: Warlords of Draenor.
- Cosmetic_Portrait_Frame_01: Are you angelic enough?
- Cosmetic_Portrait_Frame_02: Wear the twin sickles of the Angel of Death.
- Cosmetic_Portrait_Frame_03: For the necromancer at heart.
- Cosmetic_Portrait_Frame_04: Because you’re prickly.
- Cosmetic_Portrait_Frame_05: Iron has always been a sign of strength.
- Cosmetic_Portrait_Frame_06: Shows your burning fury.
- Cosmetic_Portrait_Frame_07: Colored glass used in the halls of the ancients.
- Cosmetic_Portrait_Frame_08: This glass reflects your power.
- Cosmetic_Portrait_Frame_09: Glass stained with the blood of your enemies.
- Cosmetic_Portrait_Frame_10: Only the bravest of heroes are confident enough to wear yellow glass.
- Cosmetic_Portrait_Frame_11: Reveals that you follow your own rules.
- Cosmetic_Portrait_Frame_12: Some cultures regard this as the color of royalty.
- Cosmetic_Portrait_Frame_13: It’s like a party on your head!
- Cosmetic_Pet_teddyBear_01: Even the fiercest hero can use the friendship of a tattered teddy bear.
- Cosmetic_Pet_fallenHound_01: Trusty canine companion. He probably won’t bite your leg off.
- cos_pennant_01: Show that you are old school.
- cos_pennant_02: Celebrate a classic.
- cos_pennant_03: The Heavens fell, and you were there.
- cos_pennant_04: You fought Death, and you survived.
- cos_pennant_05: Baal was serious business, and so are you.
- Platinum_Purchase_01: It glitters in the firelight.
- Platinum_Purchase_02: Stolen from a demon’s stash.
- Platinum_Purchase_03: So cold it numbs your fingers.
- Platinum_Purchase_04: Hell’s Quartermaster is still looking for this.
- Platinum_Purchase_05: Crusted with blood, but it should wash right off.
- Platinum_Purchase_06: From Diablo’s private collection.
- PremiumPass_Crusader: Impenetrable armor, gleaming weapons, and heavy damage. The crusader is armored by faith and driven by duty.
- PremiumPass_AdventureMode: Explore the world of Sanctuary in an endlessly challenging mode. Unlock Bounties and Nephalem Rifts to earn new legendary rewards not available anywhere else. Challenge yourself with Greater Rifts to slay the hardest monsters and earn glory.
- PremiumPass_ActV: Save the world from Malthael and the forces of death in a brand new act.
- AdventurePass_3Day: So good that even an angel would consider stealing it.
- AdventurePass_7Day: Malthael could end the world in less time.
- AdventurePass_30Day: Live large, play larger.
- AdventurePass_Main: Unlock your platinum earning potential with the first bounty of the day, while enjoying Adventure Mode, Act V and the Mystic.
- DefaultPortrait_Description: The portrait frame for your current level. Watch it change as you level up!
- PremiumPass_Main: Own Adventure Mode, the Crusader, and Act V.
- Nerves of Steel – Fatal damage instead reduces you to 15% Life. For 3 seconds afterward, you take 95% reduced damage and are immune to all control-impairing effects. / This effect may occur once every 60 seconds.
- Call of the Ancients
- Ancients‘ Blessing: Each point of Fury you spend heals you and your Ancients for 966 Life.
- Duty to the Clan: Enemies hit by the Ancients are Chilled for 2 seconds and have 10% increased chance to be Critically Hit. / The Ancients‘ damage turns into Lightning. (from Cold)
- Near Death Experience When receiving fatal damage, you instead restore 35% Life and 35% Spirit and are immune to damage and control impairing effects for 2 seconds. / This effect may occur once every 60 seconds.
- Fetish Sycophants When you hit enemies with your spells, you have up to a 15% (up from 10) chance to summon a dagger-wielding Fetish to fight by your side for 60 seconds.
- Hex Cooldown: 15 seconds / Summon a Fetish Shaman for 12 seconds that will hex groups of enemies into chickens. Hexed enemies are unable to perform offensive actions and take 10% additional damage.
- Slow Time Cooldown: 15 seconds / Invoke a bubble of warped time and space at your target location up to 60 yards away for 15 seconds, reducing enemy attack speed by 20% and movement speed by 60%. This bubble also slows the speed of enemy projectiles by 90%.
- Time Warp : Enemies caught in the bubble of warped time take 15% (up from 10) more damage.
- Point of No Return : Enemies that enter or leave the Slow Time area are stunned for 1 second (down from 3).
- Exhaustion: Enemies caught by Slow Time deal 25% less damage.
Verfluchte Realms:
- Explosive Wake
- Explosive Wake – You drop Explosions behind you every 2 seconds! Don’t stop!
- For All Cursed Realms – Your skills and gear do not function in this realm. / Healing is Supressed. / Pets and Followers are Removed. / Collect Vials by walking through them or all at once with the Ethereal Grasp power.
- Electrify
- Permenant Conduit – Lightning strikes everything around you! Enemies explode in Molten death!
- For All Cursed Realms – Your skills and gear do not function in this realm. / Healing is Supressed. / Pets and Followers are Removed. / Collect Vials by walking through them or all at once with the Ethereal Grasp power.
- Arcane Death
- Arcane Death – Nearby enemies die, creating dangerous arcane beams! Your Movement Speed progressively increases!
- For All Cursed Realms – Your skills and gear do not function in this realm / Healing is Supressed. / Pets and Followers are Removed. / Collect Vials by walking through them or all at once with the Ethereal Grasp power.
- Teleporter
- Random Teleportation – You teleport up to 5 times times every 5 seconds!! Enemies cast Thunderstorm all around you!!
- For All Cursed Realms – Your skills and gear do not function in this realm. / Healing is Supressed. / Pets and Followers are Removed. / Collect Vials by walking through them or all at once with the Ethereal Grasp power.
- SpeedUp
- Random Speed – Your movement Speed changes randomly every 4 seconds!! Enemies cast Thunderstorm all around you!!
- For All Cursed Realms – Your skills and gear do not function in this realm. / Healing is Supressed. / Pets and Followers are Removed. / Collect Vials by walking through them or all at once with the Ethereal Grasp power.
- Totems
- Spirit Totems – Spirit Totems explode when you are near!
- For All Cursed Realms – Your skills and gear do not function in this realm. / Healing is Supressed. / Pets and Followers are Removed. / Collect Vials by walking through them or all at once with the Ethereal Grasp power.
- Results
- Cursed Realm Results – Final Reagent Total: You Collected: [VALUE] / You lost: [VALUE]
- Frozen Statues
- Frozen Statues – Enemies are Frozen Statues. They explode into Frost Nova’s on approach!!
- For All Cursed Realms – Your skills and gear do not function in this realm. / Healing is Supressed. / Pets and Followers are Removed. / Collect Vials by walking through them or all at once with the Ethereal Grasp power.
Neue Kopfgelder:
- Bounty: Clear the Besieged Tower Level 2
- Enter the Besieged Tower Level 2
- Kill all enemies in the Besieged Tower Level 2
- Bounty: Kill Amduscias
- Kill enemies in the Besieged Tower Level 1: {Done} / {Needed}
- Kill Amduscias.
- Bounty: Kill Cimeries
- Kill enemies in the Besieged Tower Level 1: {Done} / {Needed}
- Kill Cimeries.
- Bounty: Kill Sabnock The Infector
- Kill enemies in the Besieged Tower Level 1: {Done} / {Needed}
- Kill Sabnock The Infector.
- Bounty: Kill Malefactor Vephar
- Kill enemies in the Besieged Tower Level 1: {Done} / {Needed}
- Kill Malefactor Vephar.
- Bounty: Hellbreeder Nest
- Enter the Blessed Chancel
- Complete the Hellbreeder Nest Event in the Blessed Chancel
- Complete the Hellbreeder Nest Event
- Bounty: Watch Your Step
- Reach the final platform in the Holy Sanctum
- Kill the Aspect of Destruction in the Gardens of Hope 1st Tier
- Bounty: The Cursed Pulpit
- Enter the Radiant Chapel
- Cleanse the Cursed Chest in the Radiant Chapel
- Kill the Aspect of Destruction in the Gardens of Hope 1st Tier
- Bounty: Wormsign
- Complete the Wormsign Event in the Sacellum of Virtue
- Complete the Wormsign Event
- Bounty: Kill Palerider Beleth
- Kill enemies in the Gardens of Hope 2nd Tier: {Done} / {Needed}
- Kill Palerider Beleth.
- Bounty: Kill Emberdread
- Kill enemies in the Gardens of Hope 2nd Tier: {Done} / {Needed}
- Kill Emberdread.
- Bounty: Kill Lasciate
- Kill enemies in the Gardens of Hope 2nd Tier: {Done} / {Needed}
- Kill Lasciate.
- Bounty: Kill The Earl of Raym
- Kill enemies in the Gardens of Hope 2nd Tier: {Done} / {Needed}
- Kill The Earl of Raym.
Gibt es Infos, ob die neuen Set-Boni auch zu den aktuellen Sets hinzugefügt werden, oder ob man die Teile neu finden muss?
Ka. Wird der Testserver zeigen.