Diablo 3: Legendäre Sockelsteine in Patch 2.1.0

Auch wenn die mit Patch 2.1.0 kommenden legendären Sockelsteine für Ringe und Halsketten einem Bluepost der Entwickler zufolge derzeit noch nicht für eine Implementierung auf dem offiziellen Testserver bereit sind, so konnten findige Data Miner doch bereits erste Informationen zu den unterschiedlichen Effekten dieser Edelsteine in den Spieldaten finden.
Jeder dieser Sockelsteine wird einen primären Wert und einen sekundären Effekt besitzen, die sich jeweils unterschiedlich stark auf den Charakter eines Spielers auswirken. Während der primäre Wert beim Drop eines solchen Items automatisch festgelegt wird und vermutlich nicht verändert werden kann, lässt sich der sekundäre Wert durch einen Besuch bei dem am Ende eines großen Nephalemportals stationierten NPCs „Urshi“ verbessern bzw. aufwerten.
Liste der bisher entdeckten Edelsteine:
Gem of Damage after Elite Pack
- Primary: Gain 30% increased damage for 20 seconds after killing an elite pack.
- Secondary: Increases damage against elites by 20%.
Gem of Increased Damage Against CCed Enemies
- Primary: Increase damage against enemies under the effects of control-impairing effects by [VALUE]%.
- Secondary: Gain an aura that reduces the movement speed of enemies within 12 yards by [VALUE]%.
Gem of Steady Aim
- Primary: Damage you deal is increased by [VALUE]% for every 10 yards between you and the enemy hit.
- Secondary: [VALUE]% chance on hit to Stun the enemy for 1 second.
Gem of Primary Skill Hit Harder
- Primary: Increase the damage of primary skills by [VALUE]%.
- Secondary: Primary skills heal you for 2% of maximum health on hit.
Gem of Mini-Conduit
- Primary:15% chance on hit to gain a mini-Conduit buff, dealing [VALUE]% weapon damage as Lightning every second to nearby enemies for 3 seconds.
- Secondary: While under the effect of the mini-Conduit, gain [VALUE]% increased movement speed.
Gem of Poison DoT Debuff
- Primary: Poison all enemies hit for [{VALUE1}*100]% weapon damage over 10 seconds.
- Secondary: All enemies you poison take [{VALUE1}*100]% increased damage from all sources.
Gem of Deep Wounds
- Primary: Critical hits cause the enemy to bleed for [VALUE]% weapon damage as Physical over 3 seconds.
- Secondary: Gain Blood Frenzy, granting you [VALUE]% increased Attack Speed for each bleeding enemy within 20 yards.
Gem of Holy Smite
- Primary: 15% chance on hit to smite a nearby enemy for [VALUE]% weapon damage as Holy.
- Secondary: Periodically smite a nearby enemy.
Gem of Increased Attack Speed
- Primary: [VALUE]% chance on hit to increase your Attack Speed by 2% for 3 seconds, stacking up to 10 times.
- Secondary: Also Gain [VALUE]% Cooldown Reduction per stack.
Gem of Damage Reduction while CCed
- Primary: While under any control-impairing effects, reduce all damage taken by [VALUE]%.
- Secondary: Heal for [VALUE]% of maximum life when hit by control-impairing effect.
Gem of Pet Crit Chance
- Primary: Increase the Critical Hit Chance of your pets by [VALUE]%.
- Secondary: Your pets are unkillable.
Gem of Stagger Damage
- Primary: 50% of all damage taken is instead staggered and dealt to you over [VALUE] seconds.
- Secondary: [VALUE]% chance on kill to clear all staggered damage.
Gem of Goldsplosion
- Primary: [VALUE]% chance on killing an enemy to cause an explosion of gold.
- Secondary: Gain [VALUE]% increased movement speed for 3 seconds after picking up gold.
Gem of Increased Damage after Spending Resource
- Primary: Gain 1% increased damage for 3 seconds after spending primary resource. This effect stacks up to [VALUE times. Gaining a stack refreshes all existing stacks.
- Secondary: Gain 1% increased Armor for every stack.