Blizzcon 2019: Der Verkauf des Virtuellen Tickets wurde gestartet

Im Verlauf des heutigen Abends haben die Verantwortlichen von Blizzard Entertainment nun endlich dafür gesorgt, dass alle daran interessierten Spieler das virtuelle Ticket für die im November 2019 anstehende Blizzcon 2019 für den Preis von 39,99 € in ihrem offiziellen Ingame Shop erwerben können. Dieses digitale Ticket gewährt den Fans von Blizzard Entertainment vollständigen Zugriff auf alle Livestreams von dieser Spielemesse und erlaubt es ihnen somit einen Blick auf die normalerweise nur richtigen Besuchern vorbehaltenen Panels, Wettbewerbe, Turniere und anderen Veranstaltungen zu werfen. Wer diese Ereignisse nicht live verfolgen kann, der kann das virtuelle Ticket praktischerweise auch noch dafür nutzen, um auf das Videoarchiv der Blizzcon 2019 zuzugreifen und einige Zeit lang alle dort gespeicherten Mitschnitte der einzelnen Veranstaltungen zu betrachten.
Um den Kauf dieses Tickets noch verlockender zu gestalten, wurde diese 39,99 € teure virtuelle Eintrittskarte selbstverständlich auch in diesem Jahr wieder mit allen digitalen Geschenken ausgestattet, die auch den richtigen Besuchern der Messe zur Verfügung stehen. Dabei handelt es sich dann unter anderem um die üblichen Murloc-Haustiere für WoW, einen Kartenrücken für Hearthstone, Skins für Overwatch oder auch ein komplett neues Transmog-Set für World of Warcraft. Dabei sind viele dieser Belohnungen sogar bereits jetzt in ihren entsprechenden Titeln vorhanden, weshalb Käufer des virtuellen Tickets nicht erst einen Monat auf den tatsächlich Start dieser Messe warten müssen. Wer seinen Charakter direkt in das neue Wendigo Woolies Transmog Outfit (Bild) kleiden möchte, der kann diesen Wunsch direkt nach dem Kauf des Tickets in die Tat umsetzen.
Weitere Informationen zu dem virtuellen Ticket für das Jahr 2019 findet ihr weiter unten in diesem Artikel.
Die diesjährigen Belohnungen:
- WoW:
- Das Haustier Finduin für die Allianz
- Das Haustier Gillvanas für die Horde
- Wendigo Woolies: Ein Outfit für die Transmogrifikation
- Overwatch:
- Legendärer Skin: Tyrande Symmetra
- Legendärer Skin: Illidan Genji
- Hearthstone:
- Ein Blizzcon 2019 Kartenrücken
- Eine geheime goldene legendäre Karte
- Starcraft 2:
- Drei klassische Skins
- Drei klassische Porträts
- Heroes of the Storm:
- Eine besondere Krabbe als Mount
- Blizzcon 2019 Spray
- Blizzcon 2019 Porträt
- Weitere Inhalte:
- Flügel für Diablo 3
- Geheime Inhalte
Level Up Your BlizzCon® 2019 Home Experience With the Virtual Ticket
The most epic family reunion on the planet is just a month away! BlizzCon® 2019 kicks off in earnest on November 1–2, when the Blizzard community around the world comes together in person, in-game, and online for two days of games, cosplay, contests, esports, and so much more.
Everyone’s invited to join the fun from home, with more panel content from the main BlizzCon stages available to watch live online for free than ever before, along with the opening ceremony and esports tournaments. But if you want to take your BlizzCon home experience to the next level, you can pick up the BlizzCon Virtual Ticket, available to purchase now in the Blizzard Shop.
The BlizzCon Virtual Ticket comes with a cache of commemorative extras to help you get into the show spirit in-game, including items for World of Warcraft®, Overwatch®, Hearthstone®, StarCraft® II, Heroes of the Storm®, and Diablo® III—plus some to-be-revealed surprises. You’ll also be able to watch in-depth live coverage of the convention alongside your fellow players on November 1 and 2, including two days of the All-Access Channel, the Community Night contests on Friday, and bonus panel content that takes you further inside your favorite games. Here’s what’s in store!
When you purchase the Virtual Ticket, you can bring a piece of BlizzCon with you into whatever world or universe you call home, and mark the occasion in-game alongside your friends, allies, teammates, guildmates, broodmates, and rivals.
In-game today
Finduin Pet – For the Alliance!
Gillvanas Pet – For the Horde!
Will you fight alongside brave Finduin, leader of the Mrrglliance and murloc-ified incarnation of King Anduin Wrynn? Or shall you serve Gillvanas, fearless leader of the Forseaken, on her quest for revenge against the Fish King? Both mini-leaders will bust out dance moves, combat maneuvers, and even their own mini pet to help recreate your own briny battle for Azeroth.
Wendigo Woolies Transmog Outfit
Bundle up for your next trip to Azeroth’s icy mountain peaks with the warm and whimsical Wendigo Woolies. This transmog outfit can partially or fully replace the look of your gear, filling your foes with a confounding combination of terror and delight.
In-game before BlizzCon
Tyrande Symmetra – Legendary Skin
Illidan Genji – Legendary Skin
We’re celebrating 25 years of Azeroth’s past at this year’s BlizzCon—and to mark this legendary occasion on future Earth, we’ve created a pair legendary Overwatch skins representing two iconic Warcraft heroes. Prepare to seek vengeance against your opponents with Illidan Genji, and call upon the power of the (hard-)light of Elune as Tyrande Symmetra!
In-game after BlizzCon*
BlizzCon 2019 Card Back
Mystery Golden Legendary Card
Celebrate the excitement of BlizzCon the next time you sit down for a duel with the BlizzCon 2019 Card Back. Plus, prepare to claim a mysterious Golden Legendary card—to be revealed at BlizzCon!
Classic Battlecruiser – Terran Unit Skin Classic Battlecruiser Portrait
Classic Ultralisk – Zerg Unit Skin Classic Ultralisk Portrait
Classic Carrier – Protoss Unit Skin Classic Carrier Portrait
Equip a trio of Brood War–era unit skins and portraits the next time you go into battle across the Koprulu sector. Scout for a zerg ambush aboard the Classic Battlecruiser, hunt your prey with the sinewy Classic Ultralisk, and honor Tassadar’s sacrifice with the Classic Carrier.
In-game today
Celestial Deepcrawler – Mount
BlizzCon 2019 Spray
BlizzCon 2019 Portrait
Make your mark in the Nexus with a commemorative BlizzCon spray and portrait, and ride into battle on Celestial Deepcrawler mount. It may not look dangerous, but those claws can give you a nasty pinch…or wipe out all life on your planet.
More BlizzCon Virtual Ticket extras are in the works, including a pair of wings for Diablo III players (PC/Mac version only)*. Stay tuned for more details.
As always, we’ll kick things off with an epic welcome during the free-to-watch BlizzCon opening ceremony, scheduled to begin at 11 a.m. (PDT) on Friday, November 1. You’ll also once again be able to watch this year’s BlizzCon esports tournaments free, including the Overwatch World Cup and the culmination of the World of Warcraft Arena World Championship, WoW Mythic Dungeon International, Hearthstone Global Finals, and StarCraft II World Championship Series. In addition, for the first time you’ll be able to catch additional content from the main BlizzCon panel stages free online—we’ll share more details once we reveal the BlizzCon schedule at a later date.
If you want to geek out and go even further in-depth, the BlizzCon Virtual Ticket has you covered. Here’s what you’ll get to watch live and in on-demand replays on and in the BlizzCon Mobile App with this year’s Virtual Ticket:
The BlizzCon All-Access Channel acts as your virtual tour guide through both full days of the main event on November 1 and 2. Your hosts will explore every corner of the convention, taking you from the main stages to the esports tournaments to inside places like the Darkmoon Faire. Plus, you’ll get even more exclusive developer interviews and insights over the course of the show.
Every BlizzCon, the Blizzard community takes center stage on Friday evening and puts their imagination and skill on display in the legendary costume contest, talent contest, art contest, and movie contest—and every BlizzCon, Community Night winds up being one of our favorite parts of the show. Steel yourselves for some epic creativity!
We’re making more panel content available free this year, but if you’re interested in going further in-depth and behind-the-scenes, the Virtual Ticket offers the most complete home coverage of this year’s developer panels you can get. You’ll get access to everything on the Mythic, Legendary, and Epic stages, including behind-the-scenes looks at your favorite games, session with artists and voice actors, and more. Full schedule to be revealed in the weeks ahead!
Stay awhile and close things out with a night full of musical performances, live from multiple stages on Saturday night—stay tuned for details about this year’s performances. Note that on-demand replays of the closing festivities will be limited; for the best experience, be sure to watch it live!
Attention BlizzCon attendees! If you purchased a BlizzCon Pass, BlizzCon Portal Pass, or BlizzCon Benefit Dinner pass, our ticketing partner AXS will be sending Virtual Ticket codes to all current passholders starting today, so keep an eye on your inbox. If you have multiple tickets in your AXS account, you’ll receive one email containing multiple codes (one for each ticket in your account). If you’re planning to attend with friends or family, make sure to send them one of the codes so they can join the fun.
BlizzCon Gear Sale Incoming! For everyone interested in what’s coming to the BlizzCon Store this year, the BlizzCon Online Gear Sale is coming soon—and this year, it will be open to everyone right off the bat, regardless of whether they have a Virtual Ticket. Stay tuned for more information in the weeks ahead.
If you can’t be at BlizzCon in person, the Virtual Ticket is the ultimate way to be part of the planet’s most epic community celebration from wherever you call home.
*Hearthstone and Diablo III items will be available on or before December 31, 2019.