Diesen Monat in WoW: Juni 2017

Um die Community von World of Warcraft auf eine möglichst effiziente und leicht einsehbare Weise über alle im Juni 2017 in diesem MMORPG anstehenden Ingame Events, Feiertage, Besonderheiten und Veranstaltungen der Spieler in Kenntnis zu setzen, veröffentlichten die Mitarbeiter von Blizzard Entertainment im Verlauf des heutigen Abends mal wieder einen neuen Blogeintrag aus der in den meisten Fällen sehr interessanten Reihe „Diesen Monat in WoW“ auf ihrer offiziellen englischen Communityseite. Dieser von den Entwicklern verfasste Artikel listet dabei dann beispielsweise auf, was für wöchentliche Events in den nächsten vier Wochen anstehen, auf was für richtige Feiertage oder Micro-Feiertage die Spieler sich freuen dürfen und welche PvP-Raufereien für diesen Zeitraum geplant sind. Wer nun also bereits im Vorfeld erfahren möchte, was für besondere Events im Juni 2017 in World of Warcraft anstehenden, der sollte einmal einen Blick auf den weiter unten eingebauten Blogeintrag werfen.
This Month in WoW: June 2017
June is upon us, bringing with it an abundance of activities for summer adventurer. Whether you’re looking to /dance around the Midsummer Bonfire or cruise around Thousand Needles, there’s a little something for everyone this month.
Darkmoon Faire
[June 4 – 10]
Meet Silas Darkmoon and his troupe, play games that test mind and nerve, and behold exotic sights from the four corners of Azeroth and beyond!
Get Your Class Mount!
[June 6]
Represent your class in style wherever you go on your new mount! Visit your Class Hall to get started.
Thousand Boat Bash
[June 6 – 8]
The citizens of Azeroth need a break. Let’s go boating in Thousand Needles!
World Quest Bonus Event
[June 7 – 13]
While this event is active, completing Broken Isles World Quests awards bonus reputation with the appropriate faction.
Legion PvP Season 3 Ends
[June 14]
Legion PvP Season 3 Ends on June 13. When the dust of battle settles, where will you stand this season?
PvP Brawl: Packed House
[June 14 – 20]
We’ve put more PvP in your PvP! In Packed House, there’s nowhere to hide as you face not 2, not 3, not 5, but 15 adversaries in this 15 vs. 15 Arena battle.
Mists of Pandaria Timewalking Dungeon Event
[June 21- June 27]
While this event is active, players level 91 or higher may access a special Timewalking Dungeon Finder queue, which scales players and their items down to revisit past dungeons from the Mists of Pandaria expansion. While Timewalking bosses will yield loot appropriate for a player’s regular level.
Battleground Bonus Event
[June 21 – 27]
While this event is active, random Battlegrounds will award Honor at an increased rate. Glory awaits in the fields of battle!
Midsummer Fire Festival
[June 21 – July 4]
A time of merriment and celebration, dedicated to the hottest season of the year.
Legion Dungeon Event
[June 28- July 4]
While this event is active, the final boss of each Legion dungeon awards an extra item when defeated.
PvP Brawl: Temple of Hotmogu
[June 28 – July 4]
Enter the Temple of Kotmogu for this fast-paced match. For a whole new twist, players will be able throw the Orb of Power to friendly players in a game of hot potato. Beware, they’ll also gain the debuffs along with the orb so choose wisely. We’re turning things up (to 11) by changing resurrection time to a quick 5 seconds. Who will be able to hold on to the power to claim victory?
Pet collectors will want to mark their calendars for June 21 when the Qiraji Guardling begins to spawn once more for the summer season. You’ll be able to find and capture this wild pet in Silithus through September 23.
Summer is the perfect time to head out to the lakes, oceans, and streams of Azeroth to do a little fishing. During the spring and on into summer, the Raw Summer Bass is available to catch and counts toward The Oceanographer achievement which requires anglers to catch 31 different saltwater fish.
Looking to cool off, but water sports aren’t your thing? Go fly on a Rocfeather Skyhorn Kite in Highmountain and catch a cool breeze. Some assembly is required however, and you’re going to need to do a little footwork to add this Toy to your collection. To assemble, you’ll need to collect a Derelict Skyhorn Kite, Shimmering Roc Feather, Delicate Roc Feather, and Gleaming Roc Feather from treasure chests throughout Highmountain. Once assembled, you can glide from the top of Highmountain Peak (or any tall spot) and ride the winds above the Broken Isles.
Meet Squirky – the newest member of the Murloc Family!
We’ve added a new member to the murloc family. Meet Squirky! This cuddly bit of sunshine will mrgrrgrgllll straight into your heart, both as a cuddly plush and as an in-game pet you can capture and take along on your adventures. Read on to learn more!
WoW NA Arena Championship Cup #3
The final 8 teams in the NA cup will be broadcast live on Twitch, on Saturday June 10th at 11:00am PDT. Learn more about the series and upcoming events here and don’t forget to tune in!
WoW EU Arena Championship Cup #2
The Meta Shifts and Boyzz took their first Arena Cup Win in the WoW Arena Cup #2 in Europe. You can read all about it and see the VoD’s here. Stay tuned for Cup #3 Saturday, June 24 and Sunday June 25 for more exciting action!