Hearthstone: Die Decks und Videos zum Viagame House Cup

Hearthstone: Die Decks und Videos zum Viagame House Cup
Hearthstone: Die Decks und Videos zum Viagame House Cup
User Rating: 4.5 (1 votes)

Am vergangenen Wochenende wurde der mittlerweile zweite „Viagame House Cup“ als Turnier in Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft veranstaltet und hat insgesamt 16 verschiedene Spieler gegeneinander in den Kampf geschickt. Bei diesem offiziell von Blizzard unterstützten Turnier konnten die Teilnehmer neben dem Preisgeld in Höhe von 25.000 USD auch insgesamt 230 Punkte für die auf der Blizzcon 2015 stattfindenden Weltmeisterschaft gewinnen. Nachdem dieses Turnier mittlerweile nun abgeschlossen wurde, haben die Verantwortlichen hinter diesem Wettkampf nun die Decklisten der Teilnehmer und Mitschnitte zu den einzelnen Duellen veröffentlichten.




Die Videos:

Die Veranstalter dieses Turniers haben zu jeder Runde einen eigenen Mitschnitt veröffentlicht. Während hier nur das erste Duell aufgelistet wurde, findet ihr die Videos zu all den anderen Wettkämpfen unter diesem Link.




Die Decks:

Spieler Decks
TiddlerCelestial TiddlerCelestial's Druid - Viagame House Cup #2 TiddlerCelestial's Hunter - Viagame House Cup #2 TiddlerCelestial's Mage - Viagame House Cup #2 TIddlerCelestial's Paladin - Viagame House Cup #2 TiddlerCelestial's Priest - Viagame House Cup #2 TiddlerCelestial's Rogue - Viagame House Cup #2 TiddlerCelestial's Shaman - Viagame House Cup #2 TiddlerCelestial's Warlock - Viagame House Cup #2 TiddlerCelestial's Warrior - Viagame House Cup #2
Savjz Savjz's Druid - Viagame House Cup #2 Savjz's Hunter - Viagame House Cup #2 Savjz' Freeze Mage - Viagame House Cup #2 Savjz's Paladin - Viagame House Cup #2 Savjz' Priest - Viagame House Cup #2 Savjz's Rogue - Viagame House Cup #2 Savjz's Shaman - Viagame House Cup #2 Savjz' Handlock - Viagame House Cup #2 Savjz' Warrior - Viagame House Cup #2
BaDi BaDi's Druid - Viagame House Cup #2 BaDi's Hunter - Viagame House Cup #2 BaDi's Mage - Viagame House Cup #2 BaDi's Paladin - Viagame House Cup #2 BaDi's Priest - Viagame House Cup #2 BaDi's Rogue - Viagame House Cup #2 BaDi's Shaman - Viagame House Cup #2 BaDi's Warlock - Viagame House Cup #2 BaDi's Warrior - Viagame House Cup #2
Forsen Forsen's Druid - Viagame House Cup #2 Forsen's Hunter - Viagame House Cup #2 Forsen's Mage - Viagame House Cup #2 Forsen's Paladin - Viagame House Cup #2 Forsen's Priest - Viagame House Cup #2 Forsen's Rogue - Viagame House Cup #2 Forsen's Shaman - Viagame House Cup #2 Forsen's Warlock - Viagame House Cup #2 Forsen's Warrior - Viagame House Cup #2
Inderen Inderen's Druid - Viagame House Cup #2 Inderen's Hunter - Viagame House Cup #2 Inderen's Mech Mage - Viagame House Cup #2 Inderen's Paladin - Viagame House Cup #2 Inderen's Priest - Viagame House Cup #2 Inderen's Rogue - Viagame House Cup #2 Inderen's Shaman - Viagame House Cup #2 Inderen's Warlock - Viagame House Cup #2 Inderen's Warrior - Viagame House Cup #2
Orange Orange's Druid - Viagame House Cup #2 Orange's Hunter - Viagame House Cup #2 Orange's Mage - Viagame House Cup #2 Orange's Paladin - Viagame House Cup #2 Orange's Priest - Viagame House Cup #2 Orange's Rogue - Viagame House Cup #2 Orange's Shaman - Viagame House Cup #2 Orange's Warlock - Viagame House Cup #2 Orange's Warrior - Viagame House Cup #2
Amaz Amaz's Druid - Viagame House Cup #2 Amaz's Hunter - Viagame House Cup #2 Amaz's Mage - Viagame House Cup #2 Amaz's Paladin - Viagame House Cup #2 Amaz's Priest - Viagame House Cup #2 Amaz's Rogue - Viagame House Cup #2 Amaz's Shaman - Viagame House Cup #2 Amaz's Warlock - Viagame House Cup #2 Amaz's Warrior - Viagame House Cup #2
Roger Roger's Druid - Viagame House Cup #2 Roger's Hunter - Viagame House Cup #2 Roger's Mage - Viagame House Cup #2 Roger's Paladin - Viagame House Cup #2 Roger's Priest - Viagame House Cup #2 Roger's Rogue - Viagame House Cup #2 Roger's Shaman - Viagame House Cup #2 Roger's Warlock - Viagame House Cup #2 Roger's Warrior - Viagame House Cup #2
Hoej Hoej's Druid - Viagame House Cup #2 Hoej's Hunter - Viagame House Cup #2 Hoej's Mage - Viagame House Cup #2 Hoej's Paladin - Viagame House Cup #2 Hoej's Priest - Viagame House Cup #2 Hoej's Rogue - Viagame House Cup #2 Hoej's Mech Shaman - Viagame House Cup #2 Hoej's Warlock - Viagame House Cup #2 Hoej's Warrior -  Viagame House Cup #2
PEDROCLA PEDROCLA's Druid - Viagame House Cup #2 PEDROCLA's Hunter - Viagame House Cup #2 PEDROCLA's Mage - Viagame House Cup #2 PEDROCLA's Paladin - Viagame House Cup #2 PEDROCLA's Priest - Viagame House Cup #2 PEDROCLA's Rogue - Viagame House Cup #2 PEDROCLA's Shaman - Viagame House Cup #2 PEDROCLA's Warlock - Viagame House Cup #2 PEDROCLA's Warrior - Viagame House Cup #2
Firebat Firebat's Druid - Viagame House Cup #2 Firebat's Hunter - Viagame House Cup #2 Firebat's Mage - Viagame House Cup #2 Firebat's Paladin - Viagame House Cup #2 Firebat's Priest - Viagame House Cup #2 Firebat's Rogue - Viagame House Cup #2 Firebat's Shaman - Viagame House Cup #2 Firebat's Warlock - Viagame House Cup #2 FIrebat's Warrior - Viagame House Cup #2
ThijsNL ThijsNL's Druid - Viagame House Cup #2 ThijsNL's Hunter - Viagame House Cup #2 ThijsNL's Mage - Viagame House Cup #2 ThijsNL's Paladin - Viagame House Cup #2 ThijsNL's Priest - Viagame House Cup #2 ThijsNL's Rogue - Viagame House Cup #2 ThijsNL's Shaman - Viagame House Cup #2 ThijsNL's Warlock - Viagame House Cup #2 ThijsNL's Warrior - Viagame House Cup #2
Kolento Kolento's Druid - Viagame House Cup #2 Kolento's Face Hunter - Viagame House Cup #2 Kolento's Mage - Viagame House Cup #2 Kolento's Paladin - Viagame House Cup #2 Kolento's Priest - Viagame House Cup #2 Kolento's Rogue - Viagame House Cup #2 Kolento's Shaman - Viagame House Cup #2 Kolento's Warlock - Viagame House Cup #2 Kolento's Warrior - Viagame House Cup #2
Guukboii Guukboii's Druid - Viagame House Cup #2 Guukboii's Hunter - Viagame House Cup #2 Guukboii's Mage - Viagame House Cup #2 Guukboii's Paladin - Viagame House Cup #2 Guukboii's Priest - Viagame House Cup #2 Guukboii's Rogue - Viagame House Cup #2 Guukboii's Shaman - Viagame House Cup #2 Guukboii's Warlock - Viagame House Cup #2 Guukboii's Warrior - Viagame House Cup #2
TidesofTime TidesofTime's Druid - Viagame House Cup #2 TidesofTime's Hunter - Viagame House Cup #2 TidesofTime's Mage - Viagame House Cup #2 TidesofTime's Paladin - Viagame House Cup #2 TidesofTime's Priest - Viagame House Cup #2 TidesofTime's Rogue - Viagame House Cup #2 TidesofTime's Shaman - Viagame House Cup #2 TideofTime's Warlock - Viagame House Cup #2 TidesofTime's Warrior - Viagame House Cup #2
TheBombEx TheBombEx's Druid - Viagame House Cup #2 TheBombEx's Hunter - Viagame House Cup #2 TheBombEx's Mage - Viagame House Cup #2 TheBombEx's Paladin - Viagame House Cup #2 TheBombEx's Priest Viagame House Cup #2 TheBombEx's Rogue - Viagame House Cup #2 TheBombEx's Shaman Viagame House Cup #2 TheBombEx's Warlock - Viagame House Cup #2 TheBombEx's Warrior Viagames House Cup #2





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