Diablo 3: Einteilung der Risswächter nach Schwierigkeit

Die meisten Spieler von Diablo 3 laufen aktuell auf der Suche nach legendären Gegenständen regelmäßig durch die mit Reaper of Souls implementierten Risse und töten dabei so lange die in diesen Zonen wartenden normalen Gegnern und Champions, bis nach einiger Zeit endlich der Risswächter der jeweiligen Zone erscheint. Da diese speziellen Bosse sich von der Schwierigkeit her stark voneinander unterscheiden, haben die vielen Spieler von Diablo 3 die vergangenen Tage über auf Reddit eine kleine Liste der Stärke der jeweiligen Bosse erstellt.
Diese Einteilung basiert dabei auf der allgemeinen Meinung aller teilnehmenden Personen und unterliegt somit stätigen Anpassungen und Veränderungen. Dennoch ist diese Liste aufgrund der Erklärungen zu den jeweiligen Bossen, möglichen Problemen mit den Fähigkeiten und der Berücksichtigung von aktuell im Spiel aktiven Bugs relativ interessant und durchaus einen Blick wert.
God Tier:
- Bloodmaw (Deu: Blutmaul): The cream of the crop when it comes to Rift Guardians. When it comes to threats of killing, this guy(girl?) has it all. Once enraged, he jumps around quickly and violently while also stunning anyone he lands on and dropping a large portion of damage on top of you as well. Watch out, he has the capability of jumping across your screen and if he gets on you, it’s game time. Your best bet against this behemoth is to burst him down right as he’s getting to his enraged form.
Tier 1:
- Infernal Maiden (Deu: Teufelsmaid): This guardian is of the burst variety. Most of the time when you take damage from this guardian, it’s going to be chunks of your health. Melee classes are usually the one who have to be alert when fighting this guardian. This guardian doesn’t really allow you to ignore damage with a certain amulet, which really can take its toll on melee classes in higher torment levels.
- Lord of Bells (Deu: Herr der Glocken): Most likely the last boss you fight to get the „You ain’t the boss of me.“ achievement. You will not see him often, but he is not a boss you will soon forget. You will always be fighting this boss in the same area, which has narrow hallways. This makes things tough when he goes into his enraged state; he will start to multiply like illusionist and that coupled with his electrified affix makes him dangerous. The slower this fight, the higher your chance of dying.
- Blighter (Deu: Quäler): AKA The Dick Tickler(source: Modz.) Grade A pain in the ass, this is a boss version of the Herald of Pestilence mob with a twist. This boss has a multitude of poison spells that start out as a 5 way poison exposion from its body to plauged ground affix to his enraged form arms everywhere around him. If you hate poison, Blighter is not the boss for you.
- Eskandiel (Deu: Eskandiel): For those of you who hate arcane, turn around. This boss puts up arcane enchanted, but it doesn’t stop there, get ready to use your oh-shit button because you will get vortexed and depending on the arcane placement you might be done for. Those of you who have Countess Julia’s, you probably don’t think too highly of this boss, also fuck you.
Tier 2:
- Raiziel (Deu: Raiziel): Electric skill set. Currently has the capability to deal an insane amount of damage and is a huge threat to melee characters because of this. Whether it’s a bug or not, the threat this guardian possesses is not to be ignored.
- Perendi ( Deu: Perendi): HULK SMASH!….very slowly. However, this guardian also has vortex and if he somehow manages to vortex as he’s dropping the hammer, it might be night night for you. Hopefully you have the reaction time to dodge this guardians slow wind up attack, otherwise you might be hurting. This guardian can also teleport, giving it a better grade than a lot of the other guardians.
- Tethrys (Deu: Tethrys): This guardian is an empowered succubus who has been known for one shotting players, whether it be a bug or an actual fighting mechanic. Nonetheless, you probably want to watch your back when fighting this guardian because it will spawn multiple projectiles outside of the guardian and pulls then inward. Not a mechanic you often see, so it can catch people by surprise.
- Rime (Deu: Raureif):Act 3 key warden more or less. A lot of cold DoT throughout the fight. Basically a Voracity/Ghom with cold instead of poison.
Tier 3:
- Voracity (Deu: Gier): Ghom. If you’re familiar with Ghom, you know exactly how this fight goes. Not a huge threat if taken out quickly but the longer the fight, the more poison he releases, which will add up fast and not leave you with many safe spots to fight from. Fight is easier or harder depending on the map this guardian is spawned on.
- Cold Snap (Deu: Kälteeinbruch): Remember Izual? Well he had a name change, meet Cold Snap. You guessed it, he freezes shit. Your fight most likely will start out smooth, then it hits you like a truck, you’re frozen. Once you’re frozen, you’re staying frozen. Ice climbers anyone?
- Saxtris (Deu: Saxtris): Spawns shit in intervals of its health bar. Tornadoes are the primary threat in this fight, they will be the first thing and strongest thing out of this guardian. The guardian will spawn a couple packs of mobs as well, but fairly low threat to the fight.
- The Choker (Deu: Der Würger): Poor mans Blighter. Poison skills that are much easier to predict and dodge than Blighter. It would probably be easier to get hit by the guardians skills as a melee character.
- Man Carver (Deu: Fleischschnitzer): The Butcher. Same as above, just a clone of the Butcher, if you have experience with the Butcher fight, then this will also be no surprise to you. Has a couple heavy attacks that hit hard but are easy to avoid.
Tier 4:
- Sand Shaper (Deu: Sandformer): Zoltun Kulle clone. Tornadoes are the toughest part of this guardian, but that’s about it, not really surprising of a fight.
- Ember (Deu: Aschenglut): You know that mob in Act 4 that calls down the meteors and pushes you away? Yeah Ember is that in boss form. Also shoots some fire projectiles on the ground and teleports. This guardian is annoying and if given enough time, might be able to land some shots on you.
- Perdition (Deu: Verdammnis): Rakanoth clone. Nothing really special, has the ability to hit pretty hard but if you’ve had any experience with Rakanoth, you won’t be surprised with this guardian.
Tier 5:
- Agnidox (Deu: Agnidox ): A bunch of fire related skills. Will spawn a large fire desecrator on the ground, shoot fire projectiles from its body. Not too tough of a guardian overall.
- Crusader King (Deu: Kreutzritterkönig): Skeleton King decided to change his name and occupation. He teleports, he summons skeletons, the whole package. That being said, pretty lackluster killing ability, which is why he is placed so low.
- Erethon (Deu: Erethon): Missile dampening? If that elite affix sucks for you, then this guardian will be a pain in the ass. Other than that, the guardian charges at you, feels more like an elite than a guardian.
Tier 6:
- Bone Warlock (Deu: Knochenhexer): We’re getting near the bottom, which means we’re coming to the point where giving a description is almost pointless. He summons skeletons and shoots a slow projectile.
- The Binder (Deu: Die Binderin): – A spider that uses poison and dies. I hope none of you are dying to this rift guardian.
- Orlash (Deu: Orlash): Seriously? If he disappears, it makes the fight longer, that’s it.
Stonesinger Tier:
- Stonesinger (Deu: Steinsänger): Last and certainly least, we come to Stonesinger. This guardian is so bad he has his own tier in the basement. He’s as bad as Bloodmaw is good. For all of you who have fought this rift guardian, you know why he’s here. He is extremely easy to kill. I know his enraged state has him summon clones of himself from the ground, however it never lasts to the point where you get to fight them. I hope his health/toughness is bugged to be low because this rift guardian is a joke.
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