Diablo 3: Änderungen mit Patch 2.0.5

Die Entwickler von Blizzard haben bereits mehrfach angekündigt, dass sie vor dem kommenden Patch 2.1 (Ladder etc.) noch einen etwas kleineren Patch 2.0.5 vorschieben werden, der dann nur einige geringere Anpassungen und Fehlerbehebungen beinhalten wird. Da sich dieses Update nun auf den Servern befindet, aber noch nicht aktiviert wurde, konnten konnten findige Data Miner der Seite „diablofans.com“ vergangene Nacht nun erste Daten zu den Inhalten dieses neuen Updates finden. Interessant daran ist allerdings, dass dieser Patch 2.0.5 neben vielen Klassenänderungen auch wieder einen Buff für ein Community Event beinhaltet.
Dabei handelt es sich scheinbar um einen „Jubiläums-Effekt“ für Diablo 3, der nicht nur die erhaltene Menge an Gold, Blutsplittern, Portalsteinen, Erfahrungspunkten und legendären Gegenständen verdoppelt, sondern Spielern innerhalb einer Stunde nach Einloggen des Spiels auch ein garantiertes Legendary zusichert. Da es sich hierbei allerdings um keine offiziellen Informationen handelt, müssen weder die Klassenänderungen noch der aufgeführte Buff es auch so auf die Liveserver schaffen.
- Inspiring Presence The duration of your shouts is doubled. After using a shout you and all allies within 100 yards regenerate 1% of maximum Life per second for 60 seconds. / Your shouts are: / *Battle Rage / *Threatening Shout / *War Cry (Up from 50 yards)
- Wrath of the Berserker
- Arreat’s Wail : Activating Wrath of the Berserker deals 3400% weapon damage as Fire to all enemies within 15 yards. (Damage element now specified)
- Striding Giant : Reduce all damage taken by 50%. (Previously gave 80% bonus Dodge Chance)
- Frenzy
- Sidearm : Each strike has a 25% chance to throw a piercing axe at a nearby enemy that deals 130% weapon damage as Cold to all enemies in its path. / Frenzy’s damage turns into Cold. (Damage element now specified)
- Seismic Slam Cost: 30 Fury / Slam the ground and cause a wave of destruction that deals
620% weapon damage to enemiesup to 45yards in front of you. (Up from 550%, no longer specifies „in a cone“, no longer seems to knock up)
- Shattered Ground : Increase damage to
735% weapon damage as Fire andknocks all enemies hit upinto the air. (Up from 710%, no longer changes to a Knockback) - Stagger : Reduce the cost to 22 Fury. / Seismic Slam’s damage turns into Lightning. (Previously had 80% chance to Stun for 1 sec)
- Permafrost : Create a sheet of frost that deals 755% weapon damage as Cold and Slows enemies by 60% for
1 second. (Up from 710%, slow down from 2 seconds)
- Shattered Ground : Increase damage to
- Whirlwind
- Hurricane : Pull enemies from up to 35 yards away towards you while Whirlwinding. / Whirlwind’s damage turns into Cold. (Damage element now specified)
- Revenge
- Best Served Cold : Increase your Critical Hit Chance by 8% for 6 seconds after using Revenge. / Revenge’s damage turns into Cold. (Damage element now specified)
- War Cry Generate: 20 Fury / Cooldown: 20 seconds / Unleash a rallying cry to increase Armor for you and all allies within 100 yards by 20% for 60 seconds. (Up from 50 yards)
- Awareness Your Armor is
increased by 30% of your Dexterity. (Previously gained 6% Dodge every second, resetting after you dodge) - Grenade
- Cluster Grenades : Throw cluster grenades that deal 200% weapon damage as Fire over a 36 yard radius. (Up from 32 yards. Note: the current value in-game is displayed as 9 yards)
- Hungering Arrow
- Devouring Arrow : Each consecutive pierce increases the damage of the arrow by 70%. / Hungering Arrow’s damage turns into Cold. (Damage element now specified)
- Fists of Thunder
- Bounding Light : Every third hit also releases arcs of holy power, dealing 195% weapon damage as Holy to up to 3 additional enemies. (Damage is now Holy)
- Wind Blast : Every third hit Freezes enemies for
1 second. / Fists of Thunder’s damage turns into Cold. (Renamed from Lightning Flash, previously increased Dodge by 17% for 3 seconds after each hit, damage element now specified)
- Way of the Hundred Fists
- Hands of Lightning : Increase the number of hits in the second strike from 7 to 10 and increasing damage to 429% weapon damage as Lightning. (Damage was Physical)
- Blazing Fists : Critical Hits increase your attack speed and movement speed by 5% for 5 seconds. This effect can stack up to 3 times. / Way of the Hundred Fists’s damage turns into Fire. (Damage element now specified)
- Spirited Salvo : Every activation of the skill has a 40% chance to generate 6 additional Spirit. / Way of the Hundred Fists’s damage turns into Holy. (Damage element now specified)
- Sweeping Wind
- Inner Storm : As long as your vortex is at the maximum stack count, you gain 4 Spirit per second. / Sweeping Wind’s damage turns into Holy. (Damage element now specified)
- Wave of Light Cost: 75 Spirit / Focus a wave of light that crushes enemies for
605% weapon damage as Holy, followed by an additional 79% weapon damage as Holy to all enemies in a line. (Damage up from 473%)- Wall of Light : Increase damage of the initial strike to 870% weapon damage and adds a knockback. (Up from 709%)
- Explosive Light : Release bursts of energy that deal830% weapon damage as Fire to nearby enemies. (Up from 731%, damage was Holy)
- Pillar of the Ancients : Summon an ancient pillar that deals 635% weapon damage as Lightning, followed by 785% weapon damage as Lightning over 3 seconds to enemies who remain in the area. (Damage up from 498%, damage was Physical. Additional damage up from 498%. Damage is now over 3 seconds, instead of after 2 seconds)
Numbing Light : Critical HitsFreeze enemies for 4.5 seconds. (Renamed from Blinding Light, previously stunned)
- Zombie Handler You can have 1 additional Zombie Dog summoned at one time. The healths of
you, your Zombie Dogs and Gargantuan are increased by 20%. (Now also increases player health) - Fetish Sycophants When you
hit enemies with your spells, you have up to a10% chance to summon a dagger-wielding Fetish to fight by your side for 60 seconds. (No longer requires a physical realm spell, chance up from 5%) - Fierce Loyalty You can have 1 additional Zombie Dog summoned at one time. While you have a Zombie Dog, Gargantuan, or Fetish following you and not in combat, your movement speed is increased by 30%. (Previously your pets gained 100% of your Life Regen and Thorns)
- Summon Zombie Dogs Cooldown: 45 seconds / Summon 3 Zombie Dogs from the depths to fight by your side. Each dog deals 30% of your weapon damage as Physical per hit. (Up from 12%)
- Corpse Spiders
- Leaping Spiders : Throw a jar with jumping spiders that leap up to 25 yards to reach their enemy and attack for a total of 382% weapon damage as Poison. (Damage was Physical)
- Hex
- Toad of Hugeness : Summon a giant toad that swallows enemies whole for up to 5 seconds, digesting for
580% of your weapon damage per second asPoison. (Up from 20%, damage was Physical) - Unstable Form : Hexed enemies explode when killed, dealing 135% weapon damage as Fire to all enemies within 8 yards. (Damage was Poison)
- Toad of Hugeness : Summon a giant toad that swallows enemies whole for up to 5 seconds, digesting for
- Horrify Cooldown:
12 seconds / Don a spectral mask that horrifies all enemies within18 yards, causing them totremor in Fear and be Immobilized for3 seconds. (Cooldown down from 16 seconds, distance up from 12 yards, now immobilizes, duration down from 4 seconds)
- Phobia : Enemies are no longer Immobilized and will instead run in Fear
for 5 seconds. (Previously increased Fear to 6 seconds)
- Phobia : Enemies are no longer Immobilized and will instead run in Fear
- Gargantuan
- Humongoid : The Gargantuan gains the Cleave ability, allowing its attacks to hit multiple enemies for 130% of your weapon damage as Cold. (Damage was Physical)
- Wrathful Protector : Summon a more powerful Gargantuan to fight for you for 15 seconds. The Gargantuan’s fists burn with fire, dealing 575% of your weapon damage as Fire and knocking enemies into the air. (Previously knocked back)
- Bruiser : The Gargantuan gains the ability to periodically slam enemies, dealing 200% of your weapon damage as Fire and stunning them for 3 seconds. (Damage was Physical)
- Firebats Cost:
150 Mana initially, and an additional 75 Mana while channeling / Call forth a swarm of fiery bats to burn enemies in front of you for 425% weapon damage as Fire. (Mana cost down from 225)
- Dire Bats : Summon fewer but larger bats that travel a long distance and deal 495% weapon damage as Fire. (Up from 300%)
- Hungry Bats : Rapidly summon bats that seek out nearby enemies for 635% weapon damage as Fire. (Up from 350%)
- Vampire Bats : Firebats initial cost increased to 225 mana but no longer has a channeling cost. (Previously removed channeling cost)
- Wall of Zombies
- Unrelenting Grip : Your Wall of Zombies will Slow the movement of enemies by 60% for 5 seconds. Changes the damage done to Cold. (Damage element now specified)
- Piranhas
- Bogadile : A giant bogadile emerges from the pool of water and bites a monster dealing
1100% weapon damage asPhysical. (Damage up from 840%, damage was Poison)
- Bogadile : A giant bogadile emerges from the pool of water and bites a monster dealing
- Magic Weapon
- Force Weapon : Increase the damage bonus of Magic Weapon to 20% damage. (No longer has a chance to Knockback)
- Meteor
- Molten Impact : Greatly increases the size and increases the damage of the Meteor impact to 1648% weapon damage as Fire and the molten fire to 549% weapon damage as Fire over 3 seconds. / Adds a 15 second cooldown. (Now also increases size of Meteor)
- Archon
- Slow Time : Archon form can cast a Slow Time that follows you. / Archon abilities deal Cold damage instead of Arcane. (Damage element now specified)
- Pure Power : Decrease the cooldown of Archon to 100 seconds. / Archon abilities deal Lightning damage instead of Arcane. (Damage element now specified)
Combustion : An explosion erupts around you when you transform, dealing 3680% weapon damage asFire to all enemies within 15 yards. / Archon abilities deal Fire damage instead of Arcane. (Renamed from Arcane Destruction, damage element now specified)
- Teleport Cooldown: 11 seconds / Teleport through the ether to the selected location up to 50 yards away. (Down from 16 seconds)
- Calamity : Cast a short range Wave of Force upon arrival, dealing
175% weapon damage as Arcane to all nearby enemies and stunning them for 1second. (Damage down from 252%, stun duration down from 1.5 seconds) - Fracture : Summon 2 decoys for
6 seconds after teleporting. (Down from 8 seconds) - Safe Passage : For 5 seconds after you Teleport, you will take
25% less damage. (Down from 27%) - Reversal : Casting Teleport again within
5 seconds will instantly return you to your original location and set the remaining cooldown to 1 second. (Down from 8 seconds, remaining cooldown effect added) - Wormhole : After casting Teleport,
you have 3 seconds to Teleport1 additional time. (Previously could teleport 2 additional times within 1 second)
- Calamity : Cast a short range Wave of Force upon arrival, dealing
- Heavenly Strength You can wield a two-handed weapon in your main hand while bearing a shield in your off hand. (No longer has a Movement Speed penalty)
- Indestructible
When you receive fatal damage, you instead become immune to damage, gain 35% increased damage and gain 16515 Life per Kill for 5 seconds. / This effect may occur once every 60 seconds. (Reworked from: Gain 1% Armor for every 3% of maximum Life missing) - Vigilant Increase Life regeneration by 413. / Reduce all non-Physical damage taken by 20%. (Note: the current value in-game is actually 2063; Damage reduction up from 5%)
- InsurmountableBlocking an attack generates 6 Wrath. (Reworked from: Block Amount when 4 enemies are close)
- Iron MaidenYour Thorns is increased by 50%. (Previously gave a static amount based on character level)
- Finery Gain 1.5% Strength for every gem socketed into your gear. (Previously gave a static amount based on character level)
- Holy Cause The amount of damage dealt by your weapon is increased by 10%. / Whenever you deal Holy damage, you heal 1% of your total Life. (No longer requires Holy damage from weapon)
- Towering Shield
Increase the damage of Punish, Shield Bash and Blessed Shield by 20%. / Reduce the cooldown of Shield Glare by 30%. (Reworked from: Gain Block Chance every second, which resets with blocking) - Fervor While wielding a one-handed weapon, your attack speed is increased by 15% and all cooldowns are reduced by 15%. (Reworked from: When an enemy dies nearby you gain Attack Speed)
- Fanaticism – Increase the
attack speed ofPunish, Slash, Smite and Justice by15%. (Renamed from Nephalem Majesty. Reworked from: Increases the duration of Nephalem Glory by 30 seconds)
- Blessed Shield Cost: 20 Wrath / Hurl your shield, dealing
430% weapon damage as Holy plus 250% of shield Block Chance as Holy damage. The shield will ricochet to 3 nearby enemies. (Up from 340%, damage element now specified)
- Combust : The shield erupts in flames and has a 33% chance to explode on impact, dealing
310% weapon damage as Fire to all enemies within10 yards. (Up from 270%, distance up from 8 yards) - Shattering Throw : When the shield hits an enemy, it splits into 3 small fragments that bounce between nearby enemies, dealing
170% weapon damage as Holy to all enemies hit. (Up from 50%, damage element now specified)
- Combust : The shield erupts in flames and has a 33% chance to explode on impact, dealing
- Sweep Attack Cost: 20 Wrath / Sweep a mystical flail through enemies up to 18 yards before you, dealing
480% weapon damage. (Up from 440%)
- Gathering Sweep : Enemies caught in the sweep are pulled toward you. / Sweep Attack’s damage turns into Holy. (Damage element now specified)
- Blazing Sweep : Enemies hit by the attack will catch on fire for
120% weapon damage over 2 seconds. (Down from 170%)
- Heaven’s Fury Cooldown: 20 seconds / Call down a furious ray of Holy power that deals
1710% weapon damage as Holy over 6 seconds to all enemies caught within it. (Up from 1260%)
- Ascendancy : The ray of Holy power grows to encompass 12 yards, dealing 2766% weapon damage as Holy over 6 seconds to enemies caught within it. (Up from 1680%)
- Blessed Ground : The ground touched by the ray becomes blessed, scorching it and dealing 1550% weapon damage over 5 seconds to enemies who walks through. (Up from 975%)
- Split Fury : The ray splits into 3 smaller beams, each dealing
1980% weapon damage as Holy over 6 seconds. (Up from 1440%) - Thou Shalt Not Pass : Ground touched by the ray pulses with power for 6 seconds, stopping enemies who try to pass over it. (Damage was Holy)
- Fires of Heaven : Call down a furious ray of Holy power that is focused through you in a beam across the battlefield, dealing
960% weapon damage as Holy to all enemies it hits. / The cooldown is removed. Now costs 40 Wrath. (Up from 735%)
- Phalanx Cost: 30 Wrath / Summon powerful avatars who charge forward to the targeted destination. Enemies caught in the charge path take
490% weapon damage. (Up from 380%)
- Bowmen : The summoned avatars no longer march forward, but will wield bows and attack enemies, dealing 185% weapon damage. These bowmen follow you as you move for 5 seconds. / The Bowmen can only be summoned once every 15 seconds. (Up from 160%)
- Stampede : Summon warhorses that deal 490% weapon damage and have a 30% chance to Stun enemies for 2 seconds. (Up from 380%)
- Bodyguard : Instead of sending the avatars out away from you, you summon 2 Avatars of the Order to protect you and fight by your side for 10 seconds. Each Avatar will attack for
560% of your weapon damage as Physical. / The Avatars can only be summoned once every 30 seconds. (Up from 285%)
- Bombardment
- Mine Field : Each impact scatters 2 mines onto the battlefield that explode when enemies walk near them, dealing 160% weapon damage as Fire to all enemies within 10 yards. (Damage element now specified)
- Fist of the Heavens – The pillar of lightning now deals
545% weapon damage (up from 340%); The 6 piercing charged bolts now deal 255% weapon damage (down from 340%)
- Heaven’s Tempest: Now summons a fiery storm (changed from Lightning); Now deals 100% weapon damage (down from 150%); Damage now specified as Fire
- Fissure: Now deals 410% weapon damage (up from 400%); Lightning between multiple fissures now deals an additional 135% weapon damage with each arc (down from 185%)
- Divine Well: Now deals 40% weapon damage (down from 80%)
- Retribution: Now hurls a fist of Holy power (changed from ‚a fist of fire and lightning‘); Now deals 270% weapon damage (down from 350%); Damage is now Holy (changed from Lightning); Explosion at target now deals 435% weapon damage (up from 150%); Explosion damage is now Holy (changed from Lightning); The 6 piercing charged bolts now deal 185% weapon damage (down from 350%)
- Blessed Hammer : Now deals 320% (up from 200%) weapon damage
- Burning Wrath : The scorched ground now deals 330% (up from 150%) weapon damage per second
- Thunderstruck : The lightning that occasionally arcs between you and the hammer as it spirals through the air now deals 60% (up from 40%) weapon damage
- Icebound Hammer: If the hammer explodes on impact with an enemy, it now deals 380% (up from 75%) weapon damage
- Shield Bash
- Crumble : Damage now specified as Fire
- Shattered Shield : The shield shatters into other smaller fragments, hitting more enemies for 740% (up from 380%) weapon damage
- Shield Cross : Additional shields now deal 155% (up from 135%) weapon damage
- Pound : Now causes Shield Bash to deal 1200% (up from 740%) weapon damage plus 500% shield Block Chance as
damage (no longer specified as Holy damage) - One on One : The targeted monster is stunned (changed from ‚immobilized‘) for
1.5 (down from 3) seconds.
- Steed Charge – Duration is now 2 (up from 1.5) seconds.
- Endurance : Now increases the duration to 3 (up from 2) seconds.
- Draw and Quarter : Damage now specified
as Holy
- Judgment
- Resolved : Damage dealt to judged enemies now has an
20% (down from 80%) increased chance to be a Critical Hit.
- Resolved : Damage dealt to judged enemies now has an
- Iron Skin
- Explosive Skin : Now deals 1400% (up from 1050%) weapon damage.
- Akarat’s Champion – Reworked: Now increases the hero’s damage by 35% and the Wrath regeneration by 10 for 20 seconds; Removed from tooltip: „The first time you take fatal damage while Akarat’s Champion is active, you will be returned to full health.“
- Fire Starter : Reworked: Dealing damage burns enemies with the power of Akarat, dealing 460% weapon damage as Fire over 3 seconds
- Embodiment of Power : Reworked: Now increases the bonus Wrath regeneration from Akarat’s Champion to 10
- Rally : Reworked: Using Akarat’s Champion reduces the remaining cooldown of your other abilities by 12 seconds
- Prophet : Added to the tooltip: „The first time you take fatal damage while Akarat’s Champion is active, you will be returned to full health“
- Hasteful : Gain 15% (down from 30%) increased attack speed (changed from movement speed) while Akarat’s Champion is active
- Falling Sword – Now deals 1700% (up from 1100%) weapon damage
- Superheated : Now deals
310% (up from 200%) weapon damage - Part the Clouds : Now deals
605% (up from 165%) weapon damage - Flurry : Now deals
230% (up from 60%) weapon damage as Holy (damage type wasn’t previously specified)
- Superheated : Now deals
- Punish – Now deals 335% (up from 270%) weapon damage
- Retaliate : When you block with Hardened Senses active, you now deal 140% (up from 94%) weapon damage as Holy (damage type wasn’t previously specified)
- Roar : When you block with Hardened Senses active, you now explode with fury dealing 75% (up from 45%) weapon damage
- Slash Now deals 230% (up from 190%) weapon damage
- Zeal : Grants 1% increased Attack Speed for every enemy hit for 3 seconds. This effect now stacks up to
10 (up from 5) times.
- Zeal : Grants 1% increased Attack Speed for every enemy hit for 3 seconds. This effect now stacks up to
- Justice Now deals 245% (up from 240%) weapon damage.
- Sword of Justice : Upon hitting an enemy, the sword grants 5% (up from 3%) increased movement speed for 3 seconds. This effect now stacks up to 3 (down from 5) times.
- Crack : When the hammer hits an enemy, there is now a
100% (up from 80%) chance it will crack into 2 smaller hammers that fly out and deal 245% (up from 175%) weapon damage as Holy. - Hammer of Pursuit : Now deals
335% (up from 300%) weapon damage. - Burst : Now deals
60% (up from 30%) weapon damage
- Laws of Valor Cooldown is now 30 (down from 45) seconds
Laws of Hope Cooldown is now 30 (down from 45) seconds- Answered Prayer : Reworked: Active: While the Law is empowered each enemy killed now increases the duration by 1 second, up to a maximum of [Unknown value] seconds of increased time.
- Laws of Justice Cooldown is now 30 (down from 45) seconds
- Decaying Strength : Active: Damage reduction now lasts for
30 (down from 45) seconds
- Decaying Strength : Active: Damage reduction now lasts for
- Consecration
- Shattered Ground : Now deals 155% (up from 95%) weapon damage as Fire per second
- Smite Range is now 30 (up from 15) yards; Now deals 175% (up from 165%) weapon damage; The chains break off and strike up to 5 (up from 3) additional enemies within 20 yards for 150% (up from 125%) weapon damage
- Shatter : The holy chains now deal 60% (up from 20%) weapon damage
- Surge : Now increases the number of additional enemies hit to 5 (changed from an increase of the range of the initial chain to 30 yards)
Strings und Effekte:
- Community_Event_Buff_EXPMF_1_desc – Your Experience gain is increased by Experience_Bonus_Percent_Community_Buff * 100%.
- Community_Event_Buff_EXPMF_1 – Community Event Buff
- Community_Event_Buff_EXPMF_2 – Community Event Buff
- Community_Event_Buff_EXPMF_3 – Community Event Buff
- Community_Event_Buff_EXPMF_2_desc – Your chance to find Legendary items is increased by Legendary_Find_Community_Buff * 100%.
- Community_Event_Buff_EXPMF_3_desc – Your Gold Find is increased by Gold_Find_Community_Buff * 100%.
- x1_Community_Theme_0_Buff_EXP_0 – Faith of the Crusader
- x1_Community_Theme_0_Buff_EXP_0_desc – Your Experience gain is increased.
- x1_Community_Buff_GOLD_0 – Midas Touch
- x1_Community_Buff_GOLD_0_desc – Your Gold Find is increased.
- x1_Community_Buff_Legendaries_0 – Legend of the Nephalem
- x1_Community_Buff_Legendaries_0_desc – Your chance to find Legendary items is increased, including a guaranteed drop during your first hour of play.
- x1_Community_Buff_RiftKeystones_0 – Keys to the Rift
- x1_Community_Buff_RiftKeystones_0_desc – Extra Keystones awarded.
- x1_Community_Buff_Rift_0 – Another World
- x1_Community_Buff_BloodShards_0 – Blood Shard Bonanza
- x1_Community_Buff_BloodShards_0_desc – You are awarded extra Blood Shards.
- x1_Community_Buff_HoradricCaches_0 – Cache Prizes
- x1_Community_Buff_HoradricCaches_0_desc – You are awarded extra Horadric Caches.
- x1_Community_Buff_Kadala_0 – Crazy Kadala
- x1_Community_Buff_Kadala_0_desc – The cost of Kadala’s goods are reduced.
- x1_Community_Buff_Clan_0 – Among Friends
- X1_Crusader_Passive_Indestructible_1 – Indestructible
- X1_Crusader_Passive_Indestructible_1_desc – Recently became indestructible.
- X1_Crusader_Passive_Indestructible_2 – Indestructible
- X1_Crusader_Passive_Indestructible_2_desc – You are indestructible.
- Community_Event_Buff_EXPMF_4 – Community Event Buff
- Community_Event_Buff_EXPMF_5 – Community Event Buff
- Community_Event_Buff_EXPMF_6 – Community Event Buff
- Community_Event_Buff_EXPMF_4_desc – Receive twice as many Rift Keystones.
- Community_Event_Buff_EXPMF_5_desc – Receive twice as many Blood Shards.
- Community_Event_Buff_EXPMF_6_desc – Treasure Goblins appear in pairs.
- Anniversary_Buff_EXPMF_1 – Happy Anniversary, Diablo III
- Anniversary_Buff_EXPMF_2 – Happy Anniversary, Diablo III
- Anniversary_Buff_EXPMF_3 – Happy Anniversary, Diablo III
- Anniversary_Buff_EXPMF_4 – Happy Anniversary, Diablo III
- Anniversary_Buff_EXPMF_5 – Happy Anniversary, Diablo III
- Anniversary_Buff_EXPMF_6 – Happy Anniversary, Diablo III
- Anniversary_Buff_EXPMF_1_desc – Your Experience gain is increased by Experience_Bonus_Percent_Community_Buff * 100%.
- Anniversary_Buff_EXPMF_2_desc – Your chance to find Legendary items is increased by Legendary_Find_Community_Buff * 100%.
- Anniversary_Buff_EXPMF_3_desc – Your Gold Find is increased by Gold_Find_Community_Buff * 100%.
- Anniversary_Buff_EXPMF_4_desc – Receive twice as many Rift Keystones.
- Anniversary_Buff_EXPMF_5_desc – Receive twice as many Blood Shards.
- Anniversary_Buff_EXPMF_6_desc – Treasure Goblins appear in pairs.
- ItemPassive_Unique_Ring_695_x1 – Gain 10% increased damage while wielding a two-handed weapon (Previously Heavenly Strength no longer reduced Movement Speed)
- GameTag_Rift – Rift
- GameTag_Bounties – Bounties
- GameTag_InfernalMachine – Infernal Machine
Wow, schön die ganzen Änderungen beim Crusader. Viele der Krtikpunkte wurden nun beseitigt. Mal schauen wie sich das ganze so spielt aber es liest sich schön. (^_^)