Diablo 3: Erste Vorschau auf Patch 2.2.0

Auch wenn Patch 2.2.0 für Blizzards Action-Rollenspiel „Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls“ vermutlich noch einige Zeit auf sich warten lassen wird, so haben die Entwickler heute doch aber schon einmal einen neuen Blogeintrag als erste Vorschau auf dieses kommende Update veröffentlicht. Dabei wird dieser Patch neben den üblichen Klassenänderungen auch neue bzw. überarbeitete Rüstungssets, neue Affixe für legendäre Gegenstände, weitere Schatzgoblins und Anpassungen am Abenteuermodus mit sich bringen.
First Look: Patch 2.2.0
Patch 2.2.0 is currently in development and coming soon to a Public Test Region near you! Here’s a first look at some of the new content and changes you can expect to see and, of course, test to your heart’s delight once the PTR is live.
*Please note that this is a preview. This information does not reflect all the updates coming in patch 2.2.0 and is subject to change. Some images represent works in progress, and may not be representative of the final product.
Legendary Updates:
New and Improved Sets:
One of our main goals this patch is to introduce more sets that could compete with the most powerful ones currently in the game. To that end, we’re debuting three new 6 piece sets in patch 2.2.0—Unhallowed Essence, Wrath of the Wastes, and Delsere’s Magnum Opus. You’ll be able to take these items for a spin on the PTR (in Wrath of the Wastes‘ case, literally)!
In addition, we’re redesigning—and, in some cases, adding—bonuses to existing Sets like Zunimassa’s Haunt, Raiment of a Thousand Storms, Roland’s Legacy, Tal Rasha’s Elements, Inna’s Mantra, Natalya’s Vengeance, and Immortal King’s Call. This means a grand total of ten new or revamped play styles to try out!
New Legendary Item Powers:
Sets aren’t the only new items you’ll see in patch 2.2.0. We’re also adding over 15 new Legendary powers in the form of Legendary gems, armor, rings, and more, as well as updates to existing items.
Among these new Legendary powers include the one you, our community, helped create during the BlizzCon Legendary Workshop! We’re still finalizing the details on this item (includings its name), and we’ll be interested to know what you think once you’ve had the change to test it out on the PTR.
Adventure Mode Updates:
New Rift Layouts:
If you’ve been playing lots of Nephalem or Greater Rifts, you may feel like you’ve seen them all. Starting in the patch 2.2.0, however, you’ll begin seeing some new Rift tilesets based on the Fields of Misery and Festering Woods from Act I, Stinging Winds from Act II, and Fields of Slaughter from Act III. Their map layouts are randomized as well, so they’ll look different each time you explore them. Below, you can see two of these new layouts; the first image is a randomization of the Stinging Winds, and the second is based on the Festering Woods.
New Bounties:
If you’re a fan of Adventure Mode, you’ll be happy to hear that you’ll soon have over 20 new bounties to discover in Acts II, IV, and V. We’re also introducing a brand new type of bounty to the game: Exploration. As the name implies, these new bounties involve exploring an area and finding people who need to be rescued (if they’re good guys) or slain (if they’re not). You’ll see 14 bounties of this type across all Acts in the game.
Class Updates:
Unlike some of our previous patches, patch 2.2.0 will not have a large focus on changes to class skills. While certain skills will be receiving updates, they will be relatively minor in scope, aimed more at fine-tuning current overall balance and providing synergy with some of the new Legendary powers mentioned above. Some of these changes include directly buffing certain skills (like the Crusader’s Punish skill and Witch Doctor’s Fetish Sycophants skill) as well as implementing some quality of life improvements (like adding an icon that shows the number of active Sentries for the Demon Hunter).
Class balance is an ongoing endeavor, however, so it’s likely that changes will continue to be made and tweaked through the course of the PTR.
Quality of Life Updates:
New Goblins to Chase:
For those who never tire of hunting Treasure Goblins, we’re introducing three brand new ones to slake your thirst for gobbie slaying. The Gelatinous Sire splits into smaller goblins, the Gilded Baron helps satisfy your never-ending greed for gold, and the Insufferable Miscreant has friends to help him run interference. Be on the lookout, and good luck chasing after them
New Cosmetics Window:
Want to take your Spectral Hound for a romp around Sanctuary without worrying about taking up valuable inventory space? Well, now you can! Starting in patch 2.2.0, any cosmetic items you own can be easily selected from a new interface, so all your visual goodies will be a click away. This includes items whose effect is only for looks and which don’t directly affect gameplay, like wings, pets, portrait frames, and pennants.
New File System: CASC
For many years, Blizzard games have used a file format called Mo’PaQ (MPQ for short) as a way to compress and store game files, but it has had a number of technical limitations. To address these, we’re switching Diablo III over to our proprietary file format called CASC (Content Addressable Storage Container) in patch 2.2.0.
This new file format has lots of improvements that directly benefit players, including a self-maintaining file structure (which helps prevent errors during installation), a faster and more reliable patching process, the ability to hotfix game client data, and a whole lot more!
The first step in transitioning Diablo III players will be converting existing installs to the new file format when patch 2.2.0 goes live, while using as much of the existing installed data as possible to reduce additional downloads.
Note: This change only applies to the Windows/Mac version of Diablo III and Diablo III: Reaper of Souls, and will not affect the console versions of the game.
But What About…
While these are a few of the more noticable adjustments we’re making, patch 2.2.0 will also include several additional fixes, quality of life enhancements, and other changes not listed above. We’re eager to hear your thoughts and feedback as you try out the patch, and look forward to reading your comments below and in the forums.
klingt alles ziemlich geil kanns kaum erwarten 😀