Hearthstone: Erste Informationen zu den Hearthstone World Championships 2015

Auch wenn das Jahr 2015 grade erst begann, so hat Community Managerin Zeriyah bereits im Verlauf des heutigen Abends erste Informationen zu dem später im Jahr stattfindenden Hearthstone World Championships 2015 in den offiziellen Battle.Net Foren veröffentlicht. Dabei hat die Blueposterin den ungefähren Ablauf der Qualifikationsphase für diese Weltmeisterschaft beschrieben, sodass wirklich interessierte Spieler bereits jetzt erste Vorbereitungen für diesen kommenden Wettkampf treffen können.
Zusammenfassung der Informationen:
- Die World Championships werden im Herbst 2015 stattfinden und erneut die 16 besten Spieler der Welt beinhalten.
- Dabei treten Spieler aus den Regionen „Amerika“, „Europa“, „China“ und „Asien-Pazifik“ gegeneinander an.
- Die Qualifikationsphase beinhaltet dabei ein Punktesystem für die Spieler, welches jedem Teilnehmer basierend auf ihren Erfolgen in der Rangliste, in Turnieren oder bei ausgewählten Community Events Punkte gut schreibt.
- Jeder Spieler, der bis Ende Juli 2015 mindestens 2 Punkte in diesem System erhält, darf am „Last Call Tournament“ ihrer Region teilnehmen, wo er sich einen Platz im richtigen regionalen Qualifikationsturnier sichern kann.
- Die 23 Spieler mit den höchsten Punkten in ihrer Region erhalten in diesem Qualifikationsturnier eine bessere Platzierung und müssen nicht beim „Last Call Tournament“ mitmachen.
- Einige „Fireside Gatherings“ erlauben den Siegern dieser Turniere an den „Fireside Gathering Championships“ teilzunehmen, wo Spieler sich ebenfalls direkt Plätze für das regionale Qualifikationsturnier sichern können.
- Das regionale Qualifikationsturnier wird die Spieleranzahl auf insgesamt ach Teilnehmer verringern und geht dann direkt in die „Regional Championships“ über, wo diese Personen dann um die vier Plätze ihrer jeweiligen Region für die World Championships kämpfen müssen.
Join us for the 2015 Hearthstone World Championship!
The road to the Hearthstone World Championship begins anew! As of January, players are eligible to collect points from Ranked Play, Fireside Gatherings, tournaments, and more to earn themselves a spot to the 2015 Hearthstone World Championship. More information can be found below.
The Hearthstone World Championship is the largest professional Hearthstone tournament in the world, where 16 exceptional card-slingers from around the globe come together to duel for glory, prizes, and the esteemed title of Hearthstone World Champion. This massive tournament is preceded by months of Ranked Play seasons, invitational tournaments, community tournaments, and Fireside Gatherings where players compete for points used to secure coveted spots in Regional Qualifier events.
World Championship
The Hearthstone World Championship will take place at the end of fall 2015, featuring 16 of the world’s best players. The Hearthstone World Championship’s tournament format will be announced at a later date.
Regional Championships
The Hearthstone Regional Championships decide the 16 players that will attend the Hearthstone World Championship. The Americas, Europe, China, and Asia-Pacific regions will each have Regional Tournaments where eight of the most talented card-slingers from their respective regions will compete for four representative spots at the Hearthstone World Championship. The Americas region consists of North America and Latin America, while the Asia-Pacific region includes: Korea, Taiwan, Southeast Asia, Australia, New Zealand, and Japan.
Regional Qualifiers
The Hearthstone Regional Qualifiers will take place in the fall of 2015, just before the Regional Championships. Players from North America, Latin America, Europe, Southeast Asia, Australia, New Zealand, China, Korea, Japan, and Taiwan will duel at regional 40 player double-elimination tournaments. The top eight players who emerge from the tournaments victoriously will clench a spot at their corresponding Regional Championships. Players will be seeded into the 40 player tournament based on their standing in the 2015 Hearthstone point structure.
Point Structure
Duelists are able to obtain Hearthstone World Championship 2015 qualifier points through Ranked Play seasons as well as through Blizzard sanctioned tournament s. Points received are based on performance, with better results awarding more points. Players who achieve a minimum of 2 points by the end of July will be eligible for their regional Last Call Tournament, which feeds into their corresponding Regional Qualifiers. The 23 players per region with the highest point totals will receive advanced seeding in their Regional Qualifier and do not need to play in the Last Call Tournament in order to qualify.
Fireside Gatherings
Select Fireside Gathering events will host Blizzard-sanctioned Hearthstone tournaments. The winners of these tournaments will be entered into the Fireside Gathering Championship, and the Grand Champion will be awarded a seed directly into their corresponding Regional Qualifier.
Residency Requirements
Participation in a Regional Championship, Regional Qualifier, or Fireside Gathering is dependent on proof of residency or citizenship within the given eligible region.
This thread will continue to be updated with more information. Check back later for more information!