Patch 7.3: Die Weltbosse auf Argus

Mit dem seit der vergangenen Woche auf dem öffentlichen Testserver von World of Warcraft vorhandenen Patch 7.3 werden die Mitarbeiter von Blizzard Entertainment unter anderem eine Vielzahl von neuen Weltbossen in dieses MMORPG implementieren, die den Helden von Azeroth auf dem PTR bisher epische Ausrüstungsteile mit einer grundlegenden Gegenstandsstufe von 930+ überlassen können. Diese neuen Weltbosse halten sich nach dem Erscheinen dieses Content Updates dann in den verschiedenen Zonen von Argus auf und folgen wahrscheinlich ebenfalls wieder einer von in Moment leider noch unbekannten Faktoren abhängenden Rotation. Wer sich nun bereits vor der Veröffentlichung von Patch 7.3 ein wenig über diese kommenden Encounter informieren möchte, der findet in der folgenden Übersicht interessante Informationen zu den Fähigkeiten, der Beute und dem Aussehen dieser neuen Weltbosse.
Inquisitor Percontatum:
- Beschreibung: Keine Angabe
- Beute:
7.3 Raid – World Boss – Inquisitor Percontatum – Leather WAIST
7.3 Raid – World Boss – Inquisitor Percontatum – Ring 2
7.3 Raid – World Boss – Inquisitor Percontatum – Plate LEGS
- 7.3 Raid – World Boss – Inquisitor Percontatum – Mail HAND
7.3 Raid – World Boss – Inquisitor Percontatum – Cloth CHEST
7.3 Raid – World Boss – Inquisitor Percontatum – Relic FROST Bronze8
- Fähigkeiten:
Overview: Inquisitor Percontatum focuses their [Reap] and [Sow] abilities on their main threat target while randomly targeting players for [Death Field]. Inquisitor Percontatum will periodically summon [Seeds of Chaos] at random locations.
Damage Dealers:
Spread out around the boss to mitigate the damage of [Death Field].
One player should stand in each [Seed of Chaos] to lessen the damage to the raid.
Players can make the damage of [Seeds of Chaos] less by standing in the orbs it creates; but will take a lesser amount of damage by doing so.
[Death Field] is randomly targeted and will hit a large portion of the raid depending on how well spread out they are.
Face the boss away from the raid as much as possible.
- Reap: The caster summons a scythe of pure Fel energy to harvest the souls of their enemies. Any players in front of the caster suffer 1850000 to 2150000 Fire damage and will take an additional 277500 to 322500 Fire damage every 5 sec. for 10 sec.
- Sow: The caster thrusts a lance of Fel energy forward, inflicting 1850000 to 2150000 Fire damage to all enemies in a line. Victims of Sow will take an additional 100% damage from Reap and Sow.
- Seeds of Chaos: The caster summons several Seeds of Chaos nearby that will explode after 10 sec. The damage of the explosion is greater the larger the seed has grown.
Players can absorb the energy of the orb by standing in it; but will take 185000 to 215000 damage per 1 sec. while doing so.-
Death Field: The caster creates a field of Fel Energy in a wide cone. Players caught in the field take 925000 to 1075000 Fire damage and an additional 925000 to 1075000 damage over 10 sec.
Mistress Alluradel:
- Beschreibung: Keine Angabe
- Beute:
- Fähigkeiten:
Overview: Mistress Alluradel periodically casts [Beguiling Charm], charming all players who are facing her when the cast completes. Bringing a charmed player to 50% health breaks the effect, freeing them from Alluradel’s control.
Damage Dealers:
Turn away from Mistress Alluradel when she casts [Beguiling Charm].
Help free players affected by [Beguiling Charm] by brining them to 50% health.
Turn away from Mistress Alluradel when she casts [Beguiling Charm].
[Fel Lash] inflicts heavy damage to players caught in the cone.
Turn away from Mistress Alluradel when she casts [Beguiling Charm].
Take turns tanking Mistress Alluradel to manage the application of [Sadist].
Beguiling Charm: Mistress Alluradel charms all players who are facing her for 5 min.
Dealing sufficient damage to the mind-controlled player will break the effect. -
Fel Lash: With a snap of her whip Mistress Alluradel creates a wave of fel flame that inflicts 1950000 to 2050000 Fire damage to all players in a cone 45 yards long.
Heart Breaker: Inflicts 450000 Shadow damage every 2 sec for 24 sec.
Sadist: With each consecutive melee attack against the same target, Mistress Alluradel’s attack speed increases by 5%. This effect stacks.
- Beschreibung: Keine Angaben
- Beute:
- Fähigkeiten:
- Overview: Ovetigo will attack their threat target with [Gushing Wounds], [Searing Gaze], and [Lashes]. All the while, Ovetigo will periodically afflict random enemies with [Eye Sores] and confound enemy positioning with [Phantasms].
Damage Dealers:
[Phantasms] can be avoided; but their movement is deceptive.
[Searing Gaze] can be interrupted.
[Phantasms] can be avoided; but their movement is deceptive.
[Eye Sores] will decimate your raid if the victims are not healed.
Tanks will take more and more damage from [Gushing Wounds] the longer they continue to tank Ovetigo.
- Tanks:
[Phantasms] can be avoided; but their movement is deceptive.
[Searing Gaze] can be interrupted.
Alternate tanking the boss to mitigate the effects of [Gushing Wound] and [Lash].
Gushing Wound: The caster bites the target, leaving the victim bleeding for Physical damage over 15 sec.
Lash: The caster lashes out with their tongue, inflicting 925000 to 1075000 Physical damage to the target. This damage is increased based on the number of Gushing Wounds the victim has.
Searing Gaze: The caster focuses their gaze on the target, inflicting 2000000 Shadowflame damage. This damage is increased based on the number of Gushing Wounds the victim has.
- Eye Sore: The caster launches several eyes that affix their gaze on a random player. Victims suffer 462500 to 537500 Fire damage every second for 15 sec.
- Overview: Ovetigo will attack their threat target with [Gushing Wounds], [Searing Gaze], and [Lashes]. All the while, Ovetigo will periodically afflict random enemies with [Eye Sores] and confound enemy positioning with [Phantasms].
- Beschreibung: Keine Angaben
- Beute:
Overview: Sotanathor uses their great weapon to [Cleave] their enemies in twain or to send forth [Wakes of Destruction] at random enemies. Sotanathor will periodically use his powerful voice to [Silence] all nearby enemies.
Damage Dealers:
Dodge [Wakes of Destruction].
Some players will need to stand with the tank to help mitigate [Soul Cleave].
Dodge [Wakes of Destruction].
[Soul Cleave] will need to hit multiple players in order for the tank to survive.
[Silence] lasts for 6 sec sec.
You will need other players in the raid to help you survive [Soul Cleave].
[Cloven Soul] will increase the damage of [Soul Cleave].
Silence: The caster unleashes a concentrated burst of sonic energy from their weapon, silencing all enemies within 100 yards for 6 sec.
Soul Cleave: Inflicts 7400000 to 8600000 Fire damage, divided evenly to all targets within 5 yards of the primary target.
The primary target is afflicted with Cloven Soul.-
Cloven Soul: The victim’s defenses are weakened, increasing the damage they take by 100% for 1 min.
While the victim’s soul is cloven, they take 371250 to 378750 Fire damage every second.
Cavitation: The caster swings their axe, sending forth Wakes of Destruction at random enemies.
Wake of Destruction: The Wake of Destruction explodes on contact, inflicting 1387500 to 1612500 Shadow damage to all players within 3 yards. Any Latent Energy in the area will be unleashed.
Seed of Destruction: The caster chooses 3 targets, causing them to emit 8 Wakes of Destruction after 5 sec.
Wake of Destruction: The Wake of Destruction explodes on contact, inflicting 1387500 to 1612500 Shadow damage to all players within 3 yards. Any Latent Energy in the area will be unleashed.
Matron Folnuna:
- Beschreibung: Keine Angaben
- Beute:
- Fähigkeiten:
- Overview: Matron Folnuna summons forth several types of imps over the course of the encounter that pester her enemies. In addition, when Matron Folnuna reaches 100 Energy she unleashes a [Slumbering Gasp] that can be avoided. Any players who fail to avoid [Slumbering Gasp] can be freed from their slumber by inflicting any damage to them.
- Damage Dealers:
- Run around Matron Folnuna to avoid her [Slumbering Gasp].
- Help free allies from the effets of [Slumbering Gasp] by inflicting damage to them.
- Avoid being close to Felblaze Maniacs to avoid their [Scorching Presence].
Run around Matron Folnuna to avoid her [Slumbering Gasp].
Avoid being close to Felblaze Maniacs to avoid their [Scorching Presence].
Take turns tanking Matron Folnuna to manage the application of [Infected Claws].
Run around Matron Folnuna to avoid her [Slumbering Gasp].
Help free allies from the effets of [Slumbering Gasp] by inflicting damage to them.
- Damage Dealers:
- Infected Claws: Inflicts 755625 to 794375 Nature damage to the current target and increases the damage of Infected Claws by 25% for 12 sec. This effect stacks.
Slumbering Gasp: Inflicts 1462500 to 1537500 Nature damage to the any target caught within the breath and causes them to fall asleep for 20 sec.
Players who are asleep can be awoken by inflicting any damage to them. -
Grotesque Spawn: Launches several globs of molten fel from the caster’s pool that impact the ground nearby inflicting 1462500 to 1537500 Fire damage to players within 6 yards of the impact and also summons forth a random imp to serve the caster.
Fel Firebolt: Hurls a bolt of fel fire at a random target inflicting 828750 to 871250 Fire damage.
Felblaze Maniac
Scorching Presence: Surrounds the caster in flames, burning any player who comes too close.
Burned targets are disoriented and suffer 450000 Fire damage every sec for 3 sec.
- Overview: Matron Folnuna summons forth several types of imps over the course of the encounter that pester her enemies. In addition, when Matron Folnuna reaches 100 Energy she unleashes a [Slumbering Gasp] that can be avoided. Any players who fail to avoid [Slumbering Gasp] can be freed from their slumber by inflicting any damage to them.
Keeper Aedis:
- Beschreibung: „<Temp Text> Not all of the titans‘ creations chose to side with the Pantheon when Sargeras began his Burning Crusade. One such leal subject, Keeper Aedis, went on to serve the Dark Titan as herald, announcing the destruction of countless worlds.“
- Beute:
- Fähigkeiten:
- Overview: Keeper Aedis periodically summons forth the dark energy within him to unleash a blast of [Punishing Flame] that should be avoided at all costs as it can disorient anyone caught in the blast.
Damage Dealers:
Move out of melee range when Keeper Aedis casts [Punishing Flame].
Avoid [Gaze of destruction] and [Burning Winds].
Move out of melee range when Keeper Aedis casts [Punishing Flame].
Avoid [Gaze of destruction] and [Burning Winds].
Avoid being hit by [Searing Slash].
Move out of melee range when Keeper Aedis casts [Punishing Flame].
Avoid [Gaze of destruction] and [Burning Winds].
Searing Slash: Inflicts 4387500 to 4612500 Fire damage to all players in a cone in front of the caster.
Punishing Flame: Inflicts 1803750 to 1896250 Fire damage to nearby players, disorienting them for 6 sec.
Burning Winds: Summons forth blazing whirlwinds that inflict 650000 Fire damage every 1.5 sec to all enemies standing within the area.
Gaze of Destruction: The caster rakes a beam of flame over his enemies causing the ground to erupt with flame every 0.5 sec inflicting 877500 to 922500 Fire damage to all enemies within 6 yards.
- Overview: Keeper Aedis periodically summons forth the dark energy within him to unleash a blast of [Punishing Flame] that should be avoided at all costs as it can disorient anyone caught in the blast.
Void-Blade Zedaat:
- Beschreibung: Viceroy Nezhar’s most trusted lieutenant, Void-Blade Zedaat, has been charged with keeping the Legion and all others away from the Seat of the Triumvirate until his work can be completed.
- Beute:
- Fähigkeiten:
- Overview: Over the course of the encounter Void-Blade Zedaat gains energy. Upon reaching 100 energy Void-Blade Zedaat begins to cast [Nether Eruption].
Damage Dealers:
Run away from Void-Blade Zedaat while he casts [Nether Eruption].
Stay away from allies as [Void Slip] can hit nearby players.
- Avoid [Entropic Void].
Avoid [Entropic Void].
Run away from Void-Blade Zedaat while he casts [Nether Eruption].
Stay away from allies as [Void Slip] can hit nearby players.
Take turns tanking Void-Blade Zedaat to manage the application of [Negation Blade].
Run away from Void-Blade Zedaat while he casts [Nether Eruption].
Avoid [Entropic Void].
Negation Blade: Void-Blade Zedaat slashes at his current target inflicting 731250 to 768750 Physical damage and causing all healing received by them to be reduced by 20%. This effect stacks.
Gravity Well: The caster warps reality around themselves, pulling all players towards his location and immediately begins to cast Nether Eruption
Nether Eruption: Inflicts 2437500 to 2562500 Shadow damage to all players. Players farther from the caster take less damage.
Entropic Void: Every 2 sec the target marks their current location. After 2 sec, the marked location explodes inflicting 2 Shadow damage to all players within 0 yards.
- Overview: Over the course of the encounter Void-Blade Zedaat gains energy. Upon reaching 100 energy Void-Blade Zedaat begins to cast [Nether Eruption].
Pit Lord Vilemus:
- Beschreibung: Keine Angaben
- Beute:
- Fähigkeiten:
- Overview: Pit Lord Vilemus will periodically use his [Fel Breath] and [Stomp] to damage the raid. Tanks will need to manage threat in order to survive his [Drain] ability.
- Damage Dealers:
- Spread out to avoid taking unnecessary damage from [Fel Breath].
- [Stomp] will interrupt any spells being cast and send you flying into the air.
[Fel Breath] hits many players in a cone and leaves a damage over time effect on any victims.
[Stomp] will interrupt your spellcasting and then launch all players into the air, causing them to take falling damage in addition to the initial damage from the ability.
[Drain] will lower the victim’s maximum health in addition to inflicting damage.
[Drain] will lower your maximum health in addition to inflicting damage.
- Damage Dealers:
Drain: The caster channels Fel magic through their weapon, inflicting 1665000 to 1935000 Fire damage to all players within 8 yards of their target over 6 sec. Every time the victim is damaged in this way, they lose 10% of their maximum health for 20 sec.
Stomp: The caster exhales Fel Fire in a wide cone. Players caught in the cone take 555000 to 645000 Fire damage and an additional 0 damage over 6 sec.
Fel Breath: The caster exhales Fel Fire in a wide cone. Players caught in the cone take 925000 to 1075000 Fire damage and an additional 925000 to 1075000 damage over 10 sec.
- Overview: Pit Lord Vilemus will periodically use his [Fel Breath] and [Stomp] to damage the raid. Tanks will need to manage threat in order to survive his [Drain] ability.