Overwatch: Die PTR Patchnotes vom 06. Juli

Overwatch: Die PTR Patchnotes vom 06. Juli
Overwatch: Die PTR Patchnotes vom 06. Juli
User Rating: 4.8 (1 votes)

Die Mitarbeiter von Blizzard Entertainment spielten gestern Abend überraschenderweise den nächsten größeren Content Patch für Overwatch auf den öffentlichen Testserver dieses Shooters auf. Gleichzeitig damit veröffentlichen die Entwickler selbstverständlich auch wieder offizielle PTR Patchnotes zu diesem kommenden Update in einem Blogeintrag auf ihrer Communityseite, die praktischerweise ganz genau auflisten, was für Neuerungen und Veränderungen diese neue Spielversion eigentlich mit sich brachte. Laut dieser informativen Übersicht beinhaltete dieser bald erscheinende neue Patch neben den üblichen Fehlerbehebungen dann auch noch eine Änderung an den Lootboxen, neue Optionen für das Highlight-Feature, kleinere Anpassungen an dem Game Browser und den bereits in einem anderen Artikel auf dieser Internetseite vorgestellten neuen Charakter „Doomfist. Wer nun gerne mehr über dieses Update erfahren möchte, der sollte unbedingt einmal einen Blick auf die folgenden PTR Patchnotes werfen.


(Hinweis: Wer sich zum Testen der neuen Inhalte gerne auf diesen öffentlichen Testserver begeben möchte, der muss in seinem Battle.Net Launcher unter Overwatch dann ganz einfach nur „PTR: Overwatch“ als Region auswählen und die Daten für dieses Update herunterladen.)



Overwatch PTR Now Available – July 6, 2017


New Hero: Doomfist (Offense):

Equipped with charisma and ambition, Doomfist is a consummate tactician and one of the leaders of Talon: literally throwing down his gauntlet as he joins the fight. From his base in Nigeria, Doomfist is a commanding offense hero equipped with hard-hitting melee abilities. Driven by a belief that conflict is essential to humanity’s progress, he’s committed to advancing his vision of the future—even if the agents of Overwatch disagree with his methods.

Doomfist’s cybernetics make him a highly mobile, powerful frontline fighter. His primary attack is the Hand Cannon; this four-shot weapon fires projectiles from Doomfist’s knuckles one a time or in a single blast. With his secondary attack, Rocket Punch, he charges forward and delivers a devastating blow, knocking back any opponent it connects with and dealing extra damage if the enemy is hurled into a wall.

Seismic Slam smashes into a targeted area, knocking opponents toward him so he can deal further damage. His Rising Uppercut tosses enemies high into the air, while his passive ability, The Best Defense…, grants him shields every time he uses one of his abilities against an opponent. Lastly, his ultimate ability, Meteor Strike, causes him to leap high and drop into a targeted area, dealing massive amounts of damage.

To learn more about Doomfist, click here.


Loot Box Updates

We always want the experience of opening a loot box to feel exciting and rewarding, and in our latest patch, we’re working to improve that experience in two key ways. First, we’re drastically reducing the amount of duplicates you will receive when opening loot boxes. Second, to compensate for this reduction of duplicate items, we’re also increasing the overall amount of credits you will receive from loot boxes. On average, you should be earning just as many credits, if not slightly more, from loot boxes as you did prior to these changes.

To help us test this update, all players who log in to the PTR this patch cycle will receive five (5) PTR Loot Boxes. These are standard loot boxes that will only be available on the PTR. Any items earned from loot boxes or unlocked via credits on the PTR will not transfer over to your live account.


New Highlight Options

Our highlights system has received several major updates:

  • The game will continue to automatically generate highlights for you based on your recent gameplay. These auto-generated highlights—now categorized as “Today’s Top 5”—will be surfaced on a daily basis and persist for a full 24 hours (or until the game client is patched, whichever happens first).
  • Players can now generate their own highlights! The ability to capture 12 seconds of your own gameplay has been added to the game, and can be bound to a single button of your choice (or a button per highlight slot) in the Options menu under “Request Highlight.” These player-generated highlights will be saved under a new section called “Recently Captured” and will persist until the game client is patched. Players can have up to 36 recently-captured highlights stored at one time.
  • With the above, players can now record any of their “Top 5” or “Recently Captured” highlights, exporting them as a video file to their gaming platform’s designated media library (on console) or directory (on PC). On PC, players will also have the option to select the quality at which these highlights are exported, supporting up to 4K at 60 FPS for Windows 8 or higher operating systems, and up to 1080p on Windows 7.


To learn more about this feature, check out our recent developer update: https://youtu.be/OkYJlPMdWNA




Custom Games and Game Browser

  • Clarified the text on the “Flag Carrier” options under the Capture the Flag settings for Custom Games
  • Removed the “Projectile Speed” and “Projectile Gravity” options for heroes who do not have projectile weapons


User Interface

  • Added ability to create customized reticles
    • Reticle options can be found under the “Controls” tab in the “Options” menu (click the “Advanced” expander under the “Reticle” heading)





  • Fixed an issue preventing “Best In Game” stats from being updated
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the user interface to incorrectly indicate that an enemy player has been hit when colliding with them
  • Fixed a bug that could allow projectiles that would normally pierce shields (i.e. Reinhardt’s Fire Strike) to pass through other surfaces
  • Fixed a bug that caused some players to lose audio during the match


Competitive Play

  • Fixed a bug that caused players to get a leaver penalty during offseason matches, even after the in-game banner advised it was safe to leave the match


Custom Games and Game Browser

  • Fixed a bug that prevented players from joining custom games as a player when the number of spectator slots was set to 12
  • Fixed a bug that removed the “Healing Dealt” modifier for Mei, Reaper, and Roadhog in Custom Games settings



  • Fixed a bug that caused pilot D.Va to be visible in the MEKA cockpit before the Call Mech entrance animation played
  • Fixed a bug that could cause eliminations from Junkrat’s Total Mayhem to be mislabeled in the kill feed
  • Fixed a bug that triggered Junkrat’s ultimate callout, even when he was unable to actually use his ultimate
  • Fixed a bug that allowed Roadhog’s Chain Hook to latch on to Orisa’s Supercharger
  • Fixed a bug that allowed Sombra to take damage after activating her Translocator



  • Fixed a bug that prevented Soldier: 76 from placing his Biotic Field in certain locations on Eichenwalde’s first point
  • Fixed a bug that caused AI-controlled players to perpetually move toward the objective on the Gardens point in Oasis
  • Fixed a bug that prevented Training Bots from facing the right direction and returning to their original location after being moved by player interactions on the Practice Range
  • Fixed a bug with that was causing unusual camera angles for Highlight Intros on Route 66
  • Fixed a bug that could cause D.Va to fall through the floor while boosting into the ground in a specific area on Volskaya Industries


User Interface

  • Fixed a bug that caused the Heroes of the Storm promotional portraits to appear locked, even after being unlocked
  • Fixed a bug that could cause an error message in chat if you attempted to spectate a new player while already spectating another player
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the chat window to be placed too high on the main menu, blocking menu options
  • Fixed a bug that prevented text from wrapping in the Report Player text box




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